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Posts posted by Edfablabboz



    and talking about fbrc8 ...  they also have very useful support pages;



    Thanks for the feedback. I know that overall i can use the UM2 assembly manual for the UM 2 go. The main difference is the measure and possition of the X/Y sacer bushes. Therefore i liked too know where, and in what position the spacer bushes are in the UM 2 go

    greetings Ed


    Hi, Ed, the only difference for the 2 Go vs. the 2 is that your front most spacers on the 2Go are 3mm wide, whereas on the UM2 they're 5mm wide. The large spacer is still 25mm and the medium ones are still 10mm. Make sure everything is tight against the walls.


    Thanks for the info !

  2. and talking about fbrc8 ...  they also have very useful support pages;


    Thanks for the feedback. I know that overall i can use the UM2 assembly manual for the UM 2 go. The main difference is the measure and possition of the X/Y sacer bushes. Therefore i liked too know where, and in what position the spacer bushes are in the UM 2 go

    greetings Ed

  3. You need to loosen the grub screws on the pulleys on the rod that runs through the sliding block, so that you can slide that rod out of the sliding block.

    Then loosen the pulleys on the two rods that run at right angles, and slide those rods out partially, so that you can take off the pulleys that the belt goes around.

    Then open up the sliding block carefully, and replace the belt and/or spring. Then reassemble everything in reverse order.

    The assembly manual may help:


    Where abouts are you located?

    Hi illuminari,

    i saw youre replay here. Do you now if there is also a assembly manual for the UM 2 go?

  4. Hi Neotko,

    When i change the Estep setting too +369.0 and go printing i have the problem off under-extruding. Is that setting for 1,75 filament or did you determend it yourself. The prev setting was +836.0

    greetings Ed

    Afaik that's the esteps of the um2+

    Check bowden, everything is in place right or check the feeder tension indicator is in the middle. It should work.

    Checkt it all and everyting was ok. Uploaded the firmware like discreibt on the builder from Amadee. E steps are set on +569.0 and then the extrusion is ok

    • Like 1
  5. hi,

    I want too build my own ultimaker 2 go. Does anyone have the step files or know where  i can find and download them?

    greetings Ed

    I adjusted the files for cnc-ing and added 5 cm in z. Can share if you want but only in a few weeks as I'm on holiday atm.

    You do realize that you can build a full size um2 for about the same cost?


    I wondered why you added 5cm inn the Z? Is that a necesary adjustment?

  6. The real question is: "why would you want to do that?" ;)

    I have both (an UMO and an UMO+) and I don't see any advantage of having this 2.1.x board. The old one is rock solid; no SMD : so you can easily fix any problem; change drivers, ... And the new one is really expensive in comparision.

    For a real upgrade I would rather buy a Duet3D...

    Hi amadee

    I allready bought the board. Maybe in the future i will do the "duet3D" upgrade. thanks anymay for youre replah





    Hello neotko,

    I have a question. I have a UMO and i want too replace the main bord for a newer type (V2.1.4). Because of the different positions of the switch and plugins i wanted too replace the right and bottom panels also. Do you have the right DXF files so i can laser/engrave the parts and replace them?

    greetings Ed


    Hi, I just saw your PM, will answer here, I been very very very busy lately so I write much less.

    To fit the um2 2.1.4 board I just did mark the holes with a pen and drilled the bottom. The most important part is to check the length of the cables so everything reach the board (specially the pt100 and 5v fan are shorter)

    The DXF bottom of the umo+ could work as guide, but since umo and umo+ are different it won't be much help.

    For the Sidepanel, to plug the PSU and access the power on/off I just used the Left umo+ panel to see how big where the holes and with a hacksaw I did cut the wood. The wood is very easy to drill/cut (use gloves and any other protective tool etc etc).

    The umo+ DXF are on the github are HORRIBLY, and is a mess to find the right panels because they also list the UMO, not umo+ ones. To get the right ones check this folder: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker-Original-Plus/tree/master/laser%20files%20Ultimaker%20Original%20%2B

    Btw if your 2.1.4 board isn't from 'official' sources, remember to print this Spacers, china cloned boards don't have it and you need to have some distance from the wood frame to the board. Or buy some Nylon Spacers (more temp resistance)


    Also about your question about Fan cooling the board, no the 2.1.4 doesn't need a fan. But In my experience on past summers, I had to add heatsink to the stepper chips to avoid problems when the room gets at 30C. Since then I never had a problem with them and also my board doesn't show the typical 'brown' discoloration that is typical on the um2 boards over time.

    Hi neotko,

    Thks for the great feedback and my compliments for the acurate desribsions from the upgrade.


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