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Everything posted by BealsStudios

  1. Hello!, After a range of successful prints we started having this rather startling error consistently. Since it has started happening, it hasn't not happened. Many thanks!, Nathan
  2. Haven't actually printed it yet but this looks like the solution. Simulation looks good. Thank you!
  3. Ah, I see -- often when printing shelled forms we are looking for for a 2+ layer wall thickness, with bottom, but without top. Thank you for the tip about the darker/lighter lines. I will look into ways to get it to force retraction for interior moves. Thank you! Definitely!, We would love a visit. Spiralization works great -- Oftentimes we are looking for more than one layer of wall thickness though. I'll email you the file!
  4. Hello Folks!, I run the studio for creative technologies at the Kansas City Art Institute. We recently purchased Ulti S5 and are working on getting a smooth workflow with it before the semester starts. So far so good -- almost. One issue that is persisting is some pretty intense stringing. Currently we have only tested with the Ultimaker tough pla (black) with the AA 0.4. I have done a series of 12 or so tests so far, with alterations in print settings. I have chosen to do shelled vessels as tests instead of typical spire-stringing-tests because vessels are somewhat common here. I will try to do a quick run-through of what I have tried. Note: there has been little to no noticeable improvement between the tests. My tests began at the suggested settings of Material: Tough PLA and Profile: Normal -- with retraction enabled of course. I then incrementally increased the retraction speed to 45mm/s and distance to 13mm over 7 or so prints. I have also tried incrementally decreasing the temperature to 205 from the default 225 and lower the printing speed from 55 to 20 (incrementally) to accompany the temp changes. This isn't really acceptable for us, but I did it to just see if there was improvement on the stringing, and there was not.\ I am at a bit of a loss. Any help would be much appreciated, hopefully there is just some basic oversight here that I am not seeing! Many thanks, Nathan Neufeld
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