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Posts posted by johannessssss

  1. I have now tried to reproduce this issue on purpose and i was unsuccessful. after that i thought it was business as usual (printing successful prints with new SD cards). This morning i found that the issue reoccurred, resulting in the intended print being printed about 30 layers with an older (week old) print on top ("sort of" since it was damaged).



  2. @geert_2 thank you for your extensive reply. I am no flash memory expert, but i guess something like this could happen. Although i formatted both sd cards every time before uploading a new .gcode after the first time this happened. I am going to do some experimentation with ejecting the old sd card faster, viewing in a .gcode viewer and print to try to evoke this problem in a controlled manner. 


    With the new SD cards i have printed 2 projects successfully now.

  3. Dear Community,

    I have been using my Ultimaker 2+ with succes for a year now. However, recently my printer is starting to print my previous print atop my new print. More concrete, it starts printing the new print for about 20 layers and suddenly it starts printing the previous file. you can imagine that this does not go well and i end up with a pile of plastics. I switch sd cards everytime i start a new print. Does anybody have a suggestion about how to fix this?

    Thanks in advance

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