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Everything posted by brainded

  1. I tried a different cad program, went to thingverse, grabbed a model, opened it in cura and it worked. After that, I uninstalled the cura 15.xx that came with my ender. Download the newer version of cura 3.xx, after that I downloaded desingspark mechanical. So far that's how I've been able to get by. Smithy helped me a bunch, hope this helps if not, we'll work it out.
  2. So I downloaded design spark and am using it for now, so far so good. Was having issue with the printer printing in the center of the build plate, unchecked the origin box, and away we go. So my first actual useful part I printed from design to application was a success. Just wanted to say thanks for the help and sharing your knowledge with me, much appreciated.
  3. Spit fire and save the matches. So uninstall freecad. Download Desiingspark, and buit a real quick cylinder. Imported to Cura....and there it is. Just like that , it verx it verx!!!!
  4. Most definitely, I sign up on the Thingiverse sie, downloaded a file, loaded it in Cura, and it showed up no problem. So yeah I got issues to work out. I'll work on it and see what comes from it and let you know what the outcome is. Again thanks for the help much appreciated.
  5. So here is the one from freecad, haven't went to thingverse yet. Going to try that now and see what happens. Thanks. puck.stl
  6. Alright, I'll give it a shot first chance I get, have to be when I get home. Hey thanks again.
  7. Naw not yet, I was wondering about using a different cad program that's not cloud base. No high speed internet, needed something to work with offline. If given the chance I'll try and load the file today. Thanks Smitty for helping me out with this.
  8. So this morning I was looking in cura to find some more options to zoom in with, i don't seem to have any and i still cannot see or find the imported image. Cura I have is v15.04...and latest Freecad version, running windows 10. I deleted the image, folder, and made a new folder and a bigger image. Still is not showing in the work plain. Next thing to do would be uninstall cura?
  9. So this morning I was looking in cura to find some more options to zoom in with, i don't seem to have any and i still cannot see or find the imported image. Cura I have is v15.04...and latest Freecad version, running windows 10. I deleted the image, folder, and made a new folder and a bigger image. Still is not showing in the work plain. Next thing to do would be uninstall cura?
  10. Aw ok. I did the the design in Freecad just to try it out, didn't even think about scaling at the time. So it could be in the work plain.🤔 Thank you.
  11. Hello Smithy and thanks for the reply. When you say too small, you're referring to the image size and not the file size right? The image I was importing would or should have been 24mm diameter and 12mm tall. I guess that should have been big enough, maybe not. When I get back to may printer (at work right now) I'll enlarge the object and see what happens. Thanks.
  12. Newbie here, I just an Ender3 upgraded (pro), I ran the test dog print it went ok. I downloaded Freecad and made a simple circle or what looks like a puck. When I try to load the .stl file into Cura, it never shows up. Work are in Cura moves but no image. What am I doing wrong?
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