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Posts posted by Cuq

  1. 17 minutes ago, nallath said:

    I think that he might switch to PrusaSlicer? Not sure how that would be bad for us though. It's not like people pay to be able to use Cura.


    No, S3D would be a better solution. Like that, you can pay to have the pleasure to complain about the solution. It's always better to have the opportunity to say "For the amount of money i have spent in your solution you MUST include in the next release my request" 😁

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  2. I hop I can be much more clear as the Code is now much mode clean



            ComboBox {
                id: supportComboType
                objectName: "Support_Type"
                model: ListModel {
                   id: cbItems
                   ListElement { text: "cross"}
                   ListElement { text: "section"}
                   ListElement { text: "pillar"}
                   ListElement { text: "bridge"}
                   ListElement { text: "arch-buttress"}
                   ListElement { text: "t-support"}
                   ListElement { text: "custom"}
                width: UM.Theme.getSize("setting_control").width
                height: UM.Theme.getSize("setting_control").height
                visible: freeformButton.checked
                Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = find(UM.ActiveTool.properties.getValue("SubType"))


    So the Request is to replace the ListModel by a list of STL file present in a directory. 


  3. Yes if your Profil contains these informations then it's overwrite the default value. In order to supress these informations from your saved profil reset (Using the arrow) the values before to save the profil.




    You can use the Profil Analyser  to realy analyse your settings and understand how data are managed by Cura.




  4. Thanks for deleting your comment.


    Yes, from my point of view, even if the comments are technically well-founded, I feal it disrespectful to the work and service FREELY provided by Ultimaker and the development teams working on the product.

    Cura takes longer than others to get started ... Yes and ? in my case it's 15s while all the others takes 2 or 3s. It's true but what does 12s change in my life ?  And when a print takes 2 days to finish: 2 days =172800s = 11520 Cura start


    There is no variable layer height yes, but PrusaSlicer, SuperSlicer, Ideamaker, IceSL, Craftware ... don't have  tree supports or don't have the right options to manage the supports, and many users complain about it. 


    The software is not the best for you ? no problem, it didn't cost you a penny. And the list of other solutions to test and adopt is long (see the list above).  I don't know exaclty the real number of Cura user, but if you have a look to the different communities  on the social media and different polls made on these forums, Cura is always number one and most of the time there are ten times as many users in favor of Cura . If so many people are using the software when they have so many other possibilities there is certainly a reason ?


    Finally I think that the development teams have a much longer experience on 3D printing than You and Me combined and they didn't wait for someone who discovered the product 2 weeks ago to come and explain what's wrong with it.

    They are from my point of view aware of the problems of the functions that would be missing. And we don't master all the constraints that make the software like this.


    We all would like to have OUR ideal software. But unfortunately this will never exists (Exept if you have enought knowledge to developped your own Slicer) . I  also would like to get the painted supports and painted Seam of PrusaSlicer, the possibility to manage variable layer heights, the mesh repair functions of Ideamaker, but this is not possible and if I wanted to make the request I think this forum is not the right place. A request on the Github,  argued is the most logical approach from my point of view.

    • Like 2
  5. 14 hours ago, Pizzastreichler said:

    Yes, I was thinking about exporting the files from my user fodler manually to Excel to get an overview of the mess I have greated.

    As many others I struggle with the philosophy on how Cura manages profiles and priorizes setting values.

    The files in my user folder are usually quite empty, althoug I have many settings visible and altered in the sidebar and also saved to a custom profile as well. No matter how I reset these values or what standard profile I select, the materal settings mostly will not be taken over when changing to a different material. This is even more a pitty, as there also is a new plug in to manage the visible settings in the material configuration, which really would help to quickly change a job e.g. from PLA to TPU without cross-checking every value with some paper notes.

    I was thinking of a spread sheet with different columns for default values, profile values and different material values, so it would become obvious at what level of the hierarchy a value could be found and taken over by Cura.

    the big question is, where to find all the files containing all the altered values and how to import everything back to Cura?!



    It looks like what the Plugin: Profile Analyzer does  ProfilAnalyser

  6. I think that the goal is different. In the case of Cura the goal is to reduce the seam, by going a little bit further it helps to reduce the scar and just the size of the nozzle is enought ( 0.4 - 0.6 mm)

    I don't use Simplify but in the case of PrusaSlicer you have the same type of setting. In this case the main goal is to reduce oozing and stringing. The distance is much more longer and in PrusaSlicer they also integrate in this extansion a certain percentage of the filament   retract.  

    On my point of view this solution is better than the Cura option. Perhaps a futur enhancement.

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