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Everything posted by Roli4711

  1. So früh war es nicht. Das habe ich mir auch so zusammen philosophiert. Denn es kann nichts anderes sein 😉
  2. Danke für die Tipps Bzgl. der Glasplatten: 1 davon ist brandneu, da mir die vorhergehende bei einer Entfernung eines Objekts in 1000 Teile zersprungen ist. Da denke ich, dass es nicht unbedingt daran liegt. Was mir aber aufgefallen ist: Ich habe seit 8 Prints ohne Brim gearbeitet. Nun seit 2 Prints wieder mit. Es ist wieder bedeutend besser. Ich weiss: Was hat das eine mit dem anderen zu tun. Ist aber tatsächlich so.... Roli
  3. Hallo zusammen Ich habe ein Problem, das bei vielen wahrscheinlich eher auf die andere Seite fällt. Meine Prints haften zu fest. Ich benutze ein PLA-ähnliches Material (Extrudr BioFusion) auf der Glasplatte OHNE jegliches Zusatzprodukt (also kein Uhu-Kleber, kein Magigoo, nichts). Ich reinige die Glasplatte einfach nach jedem Druck mit Fensterreiniger. Das Problem: Selbst nach 3 Stunden im Kühlschrank bringe ich das Teil in 8 von 10 Fällen fast nicht weg und wenn dann doch, sehe ich die "Klebespuren" (Haftungsspruen) am Objekt. Was gibt es für Möglichkeiten? (S5 Pro Bundle) Gruss Roli
  4. And "Reset Connect" on the printers display?
  5. I had the same. Turn off the whole machine (including the MS). Turn all on. And try it again.
  6. Hi, Also with the new Firmware 5.7 there are the same problems with the connectivity. After about 1-2 minutes, the printer was connected.
  7. 1: Company, 1 Gb/s internal (RJ45) and external (up/down, glass fiber). Full speed, very good connections (tested) 2: 1 S5 Pro Bundle (All buyed after the other: S5 in Sept 2019, Air Manager in Nov 2019 and MS in Mai 2020). 3: After 2.5h a re-establishing was made automatically. Until then, no connections (through all possibilities).
  8. Hi With the new firmware 5.6.8 I have a lot of problems with the connection. I can't connect to the printer (show progress in CURA, Connect or Cloud). But if I connect with the Cloud, I get a number on the display of the printer. I can insert this number on the browser in the field (6 numbers) and it is accepted. But the page (and also the "Connect" and the CURA) tells me, the printer is not reachable. After a printer restart and a reset of the Connect, all will running. Strange! FYI: I use only LAN, no WLAN. It's an internal network with a good connectivity and also outgoing with 1Gb/s. Roland
  9. @robinmdh Some information about the connectivity issue: Start of printing, yesterday (09.06.), about 12:30, Print duration 1d 1h 31m. Pict 1: CURA, screenshot taken today, 13:08. Take a look to the percentage progress bar and the end time. Pict2: Connect WebPage, same time. Specially: The print which has ended (Beendet) after 5h 29m is the same which is actually in printing mode and the same, which is above (Finishes in 1d 1h 31m). This are not 2 different prints. Pict3: Display, same time. The "real" duration until ending. In all cases, the camera feed is running. I've tried 3h before finishing the actual print to print a new object to the printer. After this, the process take a very long time. In CURA, the printer was lose and on Connect, the picture below is showing. This for about 1 minute. After this time, the new object is showing as in the queue. After 2 hours, I take a look. Now I have an other problem. The print in the queue would not be printed. The error msg is in German. But I think you know what this means. Result: I must switch of my S5 and restart it. Why?
  10. @robinmdh Some information: 1. Both. In Cura, the whole connection is missing (printer not available (it will be reset to active) or available, the percentage will not be actualized and - because the always same percentage - also the end time goes ahead) On Connect as example, the progress bar is in the middle (about 50%), but in CURA, the percentage will be 8%. If I close CURA and restart it, all is OK and correct. On Connect there is an irregular loss of connection, but it is restored after 5-15 seconds. 2. What you mean? No part fell on the print by changing or new printing. I use only PLA and BreakAway and for me, it works now. 3. Would be great. Perhaps, we can set the time span (e.g. 6h) for "not unloading" throug ourself on Connect, Cloud, Display or in CURA. 4. Thanks for the information. I understand this procedure with the Printcore, which was not currently active. But why does it have to be done with the printcore that is currently active some seconds before? This has or should have enough material in it.
  11. I was one of the biggest critics of Ultimaker. However, the latest firmware seems to do a lot well. 1. The video feed has never crashed since Tuesday. 2. The change from the same material with strings that fall off has improved massively. Until now, no part fell off during a new print or during a change of material and then remained on the print. Before that, 4 out of 5 prints / changes were the case. 3. No Errors by changing materials (start or change). This means that the S5 Pro Bundle can now be used really well. Nevertheless, there are still a few points that need to be looked at again: 1. The connection via LAN sometimes crashes. After 10-20 seconds, however, it exists again. 2. CURA often has connection problems and the completion notification is no longer correct. 3. Since I often print with the same filament one after the other, I should be able to tell the printer that it is not spending so much material at the beginning. There is no point in simply stripping off so much material when using the same color and material. It also makes the whole process much faster. 4. When changing the material during printing (filament runs out) the change takes a relatively long time and there may be small layer errors. It's the same as in point 3, whereby (almost) always the same material is used as before. Overall, the new version is a quantum leap.
  12. Roli4711


    Ich habe einfach einen vollkommenen Fehlstart gehabt. 1. Nach 2 Wochen Betrieb viel mir der hintere, linke an der linken Wand festsitzende Motor ab (!) 2. Der erste Händler schickte mir falsches (billiges) Cleaning-Filament und falsche Ersatz-Bowden-Röhren (!!). Durch das falsche Cleaning-Filament sind mir sicherlich 5 Printcores nach 10 - 20 Tagen - jeweils nach dem ersten reinigen - abgerauscht. Erst durch den neuen Händler habe ich überhaupt gemerkt, dass da was falsch lief. Und ich habe immer das teurere gekauft, wenn es mir angeboten wurde. Mit dem neuen Händler bin ich nun voll zufrieden. 3. Air Manager im Oktober gekauft. Konnte aber erst im Dezember eingesetzt werden 4. Feed- und Internet-Unterbrüche 5. Ersatz-Filter Air Manager erst 2 Monate, nachdem ich 1'500h erreicht habe erhalten. 6. MS gekauft und am Anfang bereits 2-Mal ERxx und ich musste alles auseinander bauen, der Filament-Wechsel war eine Katastrophe, etc., etc. Es ist halt so, dass man dann wirklich langsam dir Krise kriegt. Mir ist auch bewusst, dass nicht alles von UM verursacht wurde. Aber wenn man für über 11'000 ein Gerät kauft und es einfach nicht sauber gelaufen ist, muss man auch mal den Ärger rauslassen. Seit dem Update vom Dienstag scheint die MS anständig zu laufen (schon 5 Drucke zwischen 2 und 19 Stunden, 2 automatische Material-Wechsel) und der Kamera-Feed ist nun immer vorhanden gewesen (leichte Netzunterbrüche (LAN), aber das ist nicht so schlimm) und vor allem seit der guten Unterstützung des neuen Händlers hatte ich keinen Printcore-Ausfall mehr. Ich hätte zwar noch Garantie beim alten Händler. Aber nein Danke, da wende ich mich nicht mehr hin.
  13. Roli4711


    Ich war mit dem ersten Händler nicht zufrieden (Gerät/Air Manager) und habe jetzt die MS bei einem anderen gekauft. Im Übrigen macht ja UM "Werbung", dass sie für den professionellen Anwender die Geräte produzieren. Wäre ich ein Bastler, hätte ich mir einen Prusa oder sonst was gekauft. Ich wollte das Teil einstellen und damit arbeiten (natürlich mit den entsprechenden Wartungsarbeiten). Aber was mir aufgrund von Firmware-Fehlern, etc. an Material den Bach runter ging, war wirklich mies und nicht professionell. PS: Ich habe das Teil im September 2019 gekauft, den Air-Manger im Oktober. Gebrauchen konnte man diesen erst im Dezember. Das ging sehr lange und vor allem keine Infos. Das macht mich vor allem sauer. Dieses "Kopf-in-den-Sand-Stecken". Ebenfalls hatte ich bereits am 9.2. 1'500h auf dem Filter des Air Managers. Raus kam er im April! Das hat Sander bereits in einem anderen Post bestätigt. Auch so etwas ist nicht professionell. Mit der aktuellen Firmware sieht es tatsächlich endlich mal brauchbar aus!
  14. Yep, this works now (5.6.8, take a look above). But the problems with the connectivity is already available.
  15. Yep, the same. The camera feed has available without any problems since tuesday. But in Cura (unreachable) and also on the Webpage (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/print_jobs) the connectivity (LAN, not WLAN) is interrupted from time to time.
  16. Roli4711


    Fachhändler. Aber die sind bei Ultimaker noch ärmer dran als wir Kunden. Die müssen alles ausbaden 😉
  17. Roli4711


    Es geht eigentlich um eine Preisminderung. Wir bezahlen einen Haufen Geld für ein Gerät, dass auf den "professionellen Markt" zielt und sind eigentlich die Tester für Ultimaker.
  18. Attached are 2 pictures of the print core and one, like a string attached to the print core (bottom left the "fallen" strings). The problem was that the attached string fell on the print. I wanted to pull this string away by hand, but didn't go because it was already "overprinted". I thought exactly what you wrote: Remove after printing. But suddenly this string was pulled into the gap in the silicone cover, which I hadn't seen anymore. And with this string the breakaway was scratched off the plate and caused a complete "spaghetti print", which then caused this printcore. I have this problem with attached filaments by UM Breakaway, UM Tough PLA (tested 1 time) and Extrudr BioFusion. For UM Breakaway I wanted to make the changes. However, the fields are disabled, whereby the values correspond to those that you specified on the print screen. Nevertheless, sometime strings remain on the print core and are then distributed to the plate. With BioFusion I am still waiting for the information from the manufacturer. I threw the printed part face down (the string was in the visible part of the print).
  19. As soon as you provide arguments that counter the statements of Ultimaker, you hear nothing more ... In addition to firmware development, communication is not so good at Ultimaker.
  20. OK, perhaps fraud may be a tough expression. But Ultimaker has known about this mistake for a long time and a selling point is that you can monitoring the print with a video feed. And it doesn't work. Mistakes happen, yes. But then these must also be corrected in a reasonable time. And it just wasn't done. Here are some threads on this site that address the issues. The 1st thread is from 2018! 18.10.2018: 01.04.2019: 26.09.2019: 23.01.2020: This Thread 01.04.2020:
  21. Hi Sander The problem was, that this "fallen" string was taken on from the printcore and put under the silicon coverage and then scratched the Ultimaker Breakaway. I lost a print core (luckily "already running" for over 50 days) because the material now adhere on the bottom of the print core (total loss). Another time, I print an object with the surface on the glass plate: A string was there and the whole print was not usuable. Or how I should remove this "wrong string" with a plier, if the surface is scratched? I don't see this string before, because I don't stay all the time near of the printer and take a look. And you know - other Thread about the losing camera feed - I cant check this (another Firmware problem). Because of the filter: My filter was running on February 11th 1'373h since December 2019 (the day the first "running" firmware for Material Station and Air Manager was available) and I asked my reseller wether the Air Manager will still running after 1'500h. At this time, my reseller has no prices or availability date of the Filter and I ordered the first one for replacement. He told me that he would let me know as soon as he got new information. On March 17th the filter was at 2'144h. At the same date I was informed by the reseller that the filters are not yet available and he is eagerly waiting for them. On April 21st (!!!) I got the first filter for replacement. At this time I had 2'872 hours on the old one. So it is not the case that the filter was already available at the reseller. Because the supply chain at Ultimaker or the general reseller is so bad, I naturally ordered another replacement filter right away.
  22. Nice comment. I ask me, why there are a lot of threads, that the feed doesn't work if there are a lot of happy customers. I think too that the idea is great. But it doesn't working properly! And this since I have my S5 (September 2019).
  23. Hi Sander Sorry, but the first release date of the firmware which "works" (a little bit) was in December 2019, 3-4 months after the start of the sale (ok, this was withdrawn again in September, few days after start). Since December 2019, there was one small fix of the firmware (5.5.12). Hey: What do you do? You're selling a product that doesn't work the way you sold it. Isn't that just a fraud to us customers`?!? And the Pro Bundle as a worth of over 10'000... The idea is great but the actual status isn't. Roland
  24. @SandervG Hi Sander I usually use BioFusion (Extrudr), but I've also tested it with UM Tough PLA. And UM Breakaway also gives the same problems. I use the printer only through myself and it makes no sense to me to fill and unfill the filament each time. It is really worthwhile that you also consider whether there may be other processes than those you have defined. I usually only print with BioFusion and Breakaway. And this nearly 20-22 hours per day. So it doesn't make sense. Just an example: If I have to recalibrate after changing the print core, it is not 20 minutes, but 40 minutes. Simply because the material is first loaded (and then it runs out piece by piece) and then the same thing after printing the calibration part when it pull out. Just make a setting that we as customer can set that the material is not always drawn in or out. Just for info: I'm now on the 2nd filter, which has about 900 hours. The first one I must use - because no filter was deliverable - until 2'983h. In total, I am now close to 4,000 hours that this is running since December 2019. It's not that you only print during the day... You tell us, it's a professional machine: But it isn't. Roland
  25. Filament on the print: With the PC1 (PLA) 10 (!!!) small threads are made. After 3 "prints" from the nozzle, the 3 filemants falls nicely next to the bed. However, the 10th filament string sticks from the nozzle - probably due to insufficient weight - incidentally, this was also the case with the UM Breakaway on PC2. And this one falls often on the glass. Another question: Why the whole Filament will always taken back after a print has finished? This needs a lot of time and normally, I print the next one with the same material.
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