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Everything posted by Roli4711

  1. Diese Info kam von mir und die wurde mir von igo3d im November mitgeteilt, als noch gar keine Firmware vorhanden war und der Ventilator noch nicht lief. Aussage: Es wäre möglich, das bei längerem Druck unter der geschlossenen Haube infolge Wärmestau die Plastikteile, an denen die X/Y-Achsen hängen, spröde werden bzw. eine kürzere Lebensdauer hätten. Nun mit dem A380-Air Manager ( 😉 er ist wirklich etwas laut, aber bei mir ist es nur ein A220) sollte das Problem nicht mehr vorhanden sein.
  2. @Ksstyling Ja, das scheint so zu sein. Ich bin völliger Neuling und muss sagen: Der Drucker ist wirklich gut. Wenn ich von anderen mitbekommen haben, was die alles schrauben mussten, bis etwas ging, ist das mit dem US5 wirklich sehr einfach gewesen. Aber was die Kommunikation und alles andere betrifft ist es wirklich eine Schande...
  3. Was machen eigentlich die Leute bei Ultimaker? Däumchen drehen, weil man so ein teures Teil kauft und sie das Geld erhalten haben? Wenn das anscheinend ein bereits länger bekannter Fehler ist, warum wird das nicht korrigiert? Schliesslich macht das Sinn, dass wenn man ausser Haus ist (habe Zugriff auf das interne Netz) man nachschauen kann, ob der Druck noch sauber läuft. Und dass man das nicht während dem Druck machen kann, bringt ja gar nichts. Ich möchte ja den aktuellen Druck sehen und nicht erst danach. Da hat Ultimaker mal wieder versagt. Langsam zweifle ich an dieser Firma!!! Aber Danke für die Auskunft.
  4. Toll. Aber Danke für die Info. PS: Kann ich das auch während dem laufenden Druck machen und auch auf der IP-Webseite? Ich sehe die Einstellung gerade nicht.
  5. Hallo, Ich habe einen S5 direkt am Netzwerkkabel. Wenn ich den Drucker neu starte habe ich den Kamerastream sowohl in Cura als auch über IP-ADRESSE/print_jobs. Nach einer Weile ist dann der Stream unter Cura nicht mehr verfügbar (Kamera-Button vorhanden, aber beim Klick drauf keine Reaktion) und auf der Webseite über die IP-Adresse zeigt es lediglich das Kamerabild, jedoch komplett schwarz an. Was mache ich falsch. Ist das ein allgemeines Problem oder muss die Kamera nach einer gewissen Zeit wieder aktiviert werden und wenn ja, wie? Danke, Roli
  6. No, no values was changed automatic. I've changed the value after the adhersion was not good with the old values. And now, after I've changed the values, it works properly (but noisy). I hope, the next firmware update will be comming asap.
  7. I don't use the Air Manager until yesterday evening. The AM was on the top, but always open and not connected. In September, you make a fantastic and loud introducing of the newest thing of Ultimaker, NOW AVAILABLE!!! (AM + MS). And then.... OK, that could happen. But if you need about 2 month for release the "correct" Firmware why the AM isn't running correctly? Finally a statement from Ultimaker which is not comming from Sander and then such a big BlaBla. In this case (Post): Less would be definitely more.
  8. Seems to be a logical explanation. Therefore, possibly a little hotter nozzle and the plate is warmer than before.
  9. Print the first layer a little bit slower and set the print temparature of the filament a little bit higher.
  10. Then I wonder why not an intermediate version of the firmware was released to activate only the Air Manager. I think a lot of us use only the Air Manager and the smaller part also the Material Station. If the Air Manager has only a small priority, then the current version of the firmware for the Air Manager would probably have been available since the beginning in this version and could have been released for a long time ago.
  11. After 5-6 hours of tests, I found new settings (print temparature a little bit higher (200 to 205)), printing the first shift a little bit slower (from 30 to 25). Now, it works for me. But the noise is the next part, Ultimaker must make a change. Is it necessary, to run always in the same mode? For this, there will be other and cheaper parts. I know, there will be an update in the next time. At the moment, I'm not very happy. But it works.
  12. @Smithy 40°: If you would like to clean the plate after a first bad print, and could'nt tip on the plate because this was so hot, you will make this change ;-). Before the update, it wasn't a problem. And it was the first time I try to make it with 40°. But also with 60°, I don't have a good adhesion with the using of the Air Manager. I don't know if it is the AM or the new Firmware.
  13. The Air Manager works. But not the printing. In the last 2 1/2 month I've printed the same object 30 times (about 56 days printing time with the same print core). I've printed the last part from yesterday 23:45 until 16:59 today. After this, I update to the new firmware. And now: Warning on Display: Surface is very hot (and yes, the plate is very, very hot). The adhesion directly on the glass, which until has worked perfectly, is no longer available! The filament is no longer spent cleanly. And this all within 1 hour, same filament roll, which is cut clean. Or is not it the new firmware. PS: The Printcore was cleaned last night with cleaning material.
  14. Where I can find the old firmware (5.2.11)? I *MUST* print several objects and can't do this with this f...g new Firmware.
  16. The first part will be printed with the activated Air Manager. We will see.... PS: is it possible, that the printing plate will be hotter as before? - The plate is hotter for me - There was a yellow message on the display screen (very hot) I reset the plate temparature to 40° (before 60°) and now it's better.
  17. @zungara I call igo3d one time (2-3 weeks ago) and asked if I could at least close the hood. They give me this answer immediatly. For me it's OK. But I can understand you: No communication is always a disaster.
  18. @zungara I know what you mean. But the damage has already been done. I'm thinking of buying a second device (another S5). But with such bad communication at a company with such high-priced devices, it just gives me a very bad feeling. And there are other devices on the market - of course, these companies can have the same problems. But they are cheaper. About my comment above: I ask id3go (german part support company) if I could close the Air Manager without connecting (security reason on the fair). They tell me I should open it from time to time because of the heating and possible damages of the plastic parts (X/Y) inside. So I let them always open...
  19. Hi Sander, Thanks for the answer. The whole thing is mainly about communication. We are software developers and we have had a rollout, where something went wrong. But we immediately informed everyone. And that's what I find extremely bad about Ultimaker. The communication is (was) equal to 0. Roland
  20. Hello Sander, I am new here and also only for 2 months in possession of a S5. About 3 weeks ago I ordered the Air Manager with emphasis (Reseller don't want deliver it) because I went to a fair with the S5 (as an eye catcher) and did not want that anyone reaching in. I've then learned that I should not close the Air Manager in "not connected" status. I didn't do that either. But your statement that if all goes well, it will be work before Christmas, if not afterwards, it's a bit ridiculous. Sorry! Although I am satisfied with the results and the device, but such a communication (if that's one) is just ridiculous and for a company which produces devices in this price class unsustainable! Luckily you don't produce any other devices! With a pacemaker, some customers would have died already ... before Christmas or afterwards. Shame on you, Ultimaker! Roland
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