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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S3

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  1. Ultimaker's new Factor 4 model continues to use 2.85 mm filament. What is the rationale for this choice, aside from maintaining compatibility with the existing Ultimaker ecosystem, such as print cores interchangeability and their material portfolio? Moreover the Method line uses 1.75 mm filament. Considering that 1.75 mm filament allows for finer control, potentially better surface finishes and access to even more materials, what advantages does sticking with 2.85 mm offer?
  2. Dustin correctly highlights the risks of third-party solutions, which fall short of the S5 Air Manager’s quality. Given Ultimaker’s reputation, particularly with professional-grade printers like the S series, one would anticipate it addressing these customer concerns more proactively. When I purchased the S3, I assumed it was only a matter of time before an accessory like this would be available. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. It seems feasible that adapting the S5 Air Manager design to have fitting solution for the S3 as well shouldn’t be overly challenging.
  3. Ultimaker's omission of this feature for the S3 model is quite disappointing. It's surprising to see that the 2+ Connect, which caters more to hobbyists, includes this option, whereas the S3, positioned as a professional desktop machine, does not. It's high time for Ultimaker to address this gap and update the S3 accordingly.
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