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Everything posted by terrypin

  1. Thanks a bunch, that's very helpful. A lot to study, but I'm much better equipped now.
  2. Thanks for that thorough explanation, much appreciate the time you put into it. And your suggestion about rotating worked fine. Just managed to squeeze it into the limited 200 x 200 valid area. (BTW, even with Snap enabled I found it difficult to get the model back to its original zero angle. Is there a tool I’ve missed?) Could you explain a bit more on that final point please? How do I now proceed? You must alter that file to get rid of the clip areas. And are the clips securing the glass in the same positions on the Ender 3 and the Ender 3 V2? Also, I’m puzzled why there is still no specific profile for the Ender 3 V2? ——————- The print failed to adhere properly, so now pursuing that unrelated issue! Terry
  3. For my Ender 3 V2 I first used Cura set to Ender 3. But that has XY borders of 235 x 235, so Cura fails to display when the model is outside my smaller borders. So I added a new printer with the correct 220 x 220 borders. However, as you see, those dimensions are not correctly shown by Cura. It appears to show SMALLER limits of 200 x 200.
  4. Thank you for taking the time to explain in detail. However I'm finding it hard going. It may be "quite clear" to you and other experienced users but not to me! For example, I cannot find any setting in any profile for any printer with that arrow symbol. And I don't understand why I should look in creality_base_extruder_0 user? Entering that (or part of it) in the 'Search settings' box gives no results. I tried to install the Profil Analyser but cannnot see anything with a name like that in Extensions?
  5. When using File > Save Project... I don't understand these two entries and would appreciate help please.
  6. Yes, many thanks, see my edit a few minutes ago! Not sure if it's just my using the forum incorrectly or what, but we crossed in the post again! Thanks again for your patience.
  7. No one with any advice please? EDIT: Sorry ahoeben, I posted that one-line chaser before seeing your reply. (Suspect I have some problem here in Waterfox.) Tested again and happy to report it did open the project using File -> Open... Was then about to try opening with a d-click (or Open with...) from File Explorer. (Also first accepted offer to upgrade from 4.8.0 to 4.9.0.) But very pleased to find that the 3mf does nowopen the project. 😉
  8. Thanks ahoeben. I posted again before seeing your reply. Neither tab showed a model or the slicer. Screenshot attached. And a 3mf. Do others get same behavior? BoxPlusScrewLid-84x44x20.3mf
  9. I sliced an STL and saved it as gcode as usual. I also then saved it as a 3mf project file. But when I open the 3mf in Cura there is no model displayed. There's a message telling me I need to slice it first - but there is no Slicer button. Where am I going wrong please?
  10. No doubt embarrassingly obvious, but I'm just starting on editing 'profiles'. Suppose I've changed a setting such as nozzle temperature. While printing on my Ender 3 V2 will I see that on its monitor? Ditto other parameters?
  11. Trying again later, this view can be zoomed much larger, which is promising. But I'm struggling to rotate it so that the hole is square on. Is there some clever way to achieve that, or is it just a matter of gaining manual dexterity with the three axes?
  12. Many thanks, much appreciate that helpful practical advice, which I'll pursue. Do you manually clean the base before every print? I've so far just made a visual inspection and peeled off any filament, usually on the left edge. Plus a wipe down with a damp cloth every few days.
  13. I couldn't achieve it that way. So I just changed the dimensions to get what I needed: For background, as there seems to be no 'ruler' feature in Cura, I'm using an external tool to measure pixel distances between two clicked points, and then Windows Calculator to derive diameters, etc. So the larger the object image the better. I'm puzzled why the zoom is so limited? It seems to change linearly at first but then 'flattens out'.
  14. Thanks nallath, but that screenshot was taken after selecting the front view and using the middle mouse wheel. Holding Ctrl down makes no difference to the limit. Here's the STL in case that helps: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aovkzs6zcy0ff8y/Countersunk-05-M3.stl?raw=1
  15. Thanks both. It's only just occurred to me that instead of frantically trying to check out the skirt as it prints I should use the Ender 3 V2 Pause button? Although could that interruption have any possible side effects? Or is the better solution more radical: to always do a set of simple single-layer prints first?
  16. The screenshot shows the greatest zoom I can achieve to examine my 10mm cube. I'd like to almost fill the window. Is there a setting I haven't found please? Or should I just temporarily change the size to say 40mm or whatever? Terry (Cura novice)
  17. Thanks, understood. If a small part of the skirt is not firmly on the bed (either displaced a few mm, or lifted up, or both) is it recommended to always stop the print? Or wait a bit longer to see if the initial layer of the object itself looks OK? On several occasions I've thought it looked right, but on gently brushing it with my finger it left the base. Would experienced users have left it alone or aborted, as I did?
  18. Could someone explain Cura's 'Skirt' option please? What is the point of a rectangle a few layers high which is some distance away from the printed object? Is it just to allow you to test how well the initial layers are sticking, in order to abort the print if they are not?
  19. Thanks, browsed your fascinating video and wil study more thoroughly if this problem reoccurs. I didn’t think it was a Cura-caused issue, but was asking if Cura could do anything to help isolate the cause. I still think that lies in the unavailable SCAD code. Naively, as a rookie, I thought perhaps Cura could identify the error. I suppose to some extent it has done, in that my screenshots appear to show ‘disembodied’ parts. I took the precaution of giving the bed a clean with water (my first time) . But still had another failure, apparently due to one corner not staying firmly down in the first layer. I stopped and repeated the run, but this time quickly moved the errant filament out of the way so that it didn’t cause total failure. Ended up with the hinged box being OK, apart from the damaged corner. That’s why I think there may be a design flaw as well as the bed level issue. Over in Reddit I’m asking about the base problem, and will experiment with placing layers of kitchen foil under the central area in an attempt to correct what seems to be a warped glass plate.
  20. Thanks, very helpful, I'll pursue those suggestions. It's currently printing after three failures. The first layer seemed to be 'lifting', paricularly at one corner. Even the current run had the same issue but this time I paused and snipped away a couple of small pieces. I don't know what CAD SW the authors used. I use OpenSCAD. I did display the preview but probably not carefully enough, as nothing struck me as wrong.
  21. First post and I'm a beginner with 3D printing, Cura (and OpenSCAD, my current choice of CAD tool.) Would appreciate help with this box I'd like to print please: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4598367 I commented there, and hope to hear from author, but meanwhile would appreciate help here please. I eventually managed to separate the two parts after installing Mesh Tools in my Cura 4.8. But, as no SCAD file was offered, can anything be done in Cura to fix whatever has caused the message "Your model is not manifold". Here are a couple of screenshots for further clarification: Is it because one or more of the 'pillars' are not attached to the case? If so presumably I'd need the SCAD to work on that if the author doesn't do so?
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