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Posts posted by viktor_b

  1. On 12/17/2023 at 10:24 PM, tomnagel said:

    The printer always uses both nozzles for the bed level measurements. 

    The first probe is done with  the right nozzle, and then the printer probes with the left nozzle. The printer then checks if there is ~1.5mm height difference between them. 
    If you always get the “exceed expected value” error, please look closely to what happens and compare it to what I just described you. Especially watch closely if nozzle switching works correctly.



    To me it is not clear why it measuring with both nozzles even if the print would be done with one only. 


    On 12/16/2023 at 2:06 PM, Pena said:

    Hi Viktor, I was wondering if disabling the auto leveling feature on your S5 is working or has it caused other issues?


    My S5 is having the same issue.






    After disabling of autoleveling and manual calibration everything is working fine.

  2. c:\\Ulti\ultituner leveling off -p
    UltiTuner 0.8.0 - Copyright by Smithy (Christian Schmied)
    Connecting to the printer, connected
    model: 214475 213482 5078167
    version: 7.1.3
    Checking printer/firmware compatibility.....done, compatible
    Disabling active leveling.....done, turned OFF
    IMPORTANT: Do a manual leveling from the printer menu before you start your first print job!

  3. I am wondering if it would be possible to overlap table and print core heating. The temperature rise speed is known for both, so starting the print core heating before the table will reach target temperature will save some time for users. Also to me is not clear why the table warpage measurement cannot be done while heating. I believe the thermal expansion over last 10°C will not bring any additional bending.  


    Also what is annoying, in case I have interrupted the printing while preparing I need to run to the printer just to confirm on touchscreen that I don't want to repeat the print.  Could this question pop up remotely or better completely skipped? If needed I can start a print of last model from printer menu.

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