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Everything posted by pl_cooper

  1. Works! Thanks. But I just cannot accept inactivating one of the features I bought an expensive piece of technology like this. So, I will try to fix this asap. Thanks Michael
  2. Hi Smithy, already opened a ticket. But please let me know how to diable active leveling as a work around so I can still keep printing. Thanks Michael
  3. After rechecking on videos from the ultimaker channel on youtube I realised that during the active leveling process the build plate should touch the nozzle. This is not the case here anymore. The buildplate stops like several millimeters (approx. 5-7) before it actually touches the nozzle.
  4. Thanks Smithy, as I said I already tried everything mentioned in the according support document. I will relevel to 14mm and try a different place. I highly doubt that it will change something because the printer run well for some 200 hours right now without any problems. And nothing changed. Not the environment (electrical interferences) nor the actual printer setup (build plate too low or too high). Keep you posted. Thanks Michael
  5. Hello together, I just went into troubles when trying on printing ASA instead of tough PLA on my kind of new S3. Auto Leveling failed so I tried manual leveling without any success. Diagnostics lead me to ER45 (https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011576000) but nothing meantioned in this article was able/useful to solve my issue. I changed printcores, materials, bla bla bla - without any effect. So, I am now asking you, the community. Do you have any idea about whats going on? The fact alone, that I bought a 4000€ machine and was not able to find a manufacturers support email address leaves me speechless right now. Thanks Michael
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