Thank you, I will sign up and make that suggestion.
Looking for other ways I came across a Ulimaker Video that I was able to implement. Again, not very easy, (at least for me) but did the same thing. Was a little problematic but a good learning experience for me.
I spit the model in Fusion and saved each to STL files. Opened each STL file in Cura. Oriented them visually so that they were close. Selected a different extruder for each one then merged the modules together. It was important to select different extruders prior to the merge or they merged and could not be selected independently, which kind of makes sense. I am away from my printer but suspect it will print correctly.
All in all it is easy to change filament during the print, only problem is I must be there at the exact moment the layer change is needed. I have a life and watching filament extrude for hours just does not do it for me.
Thanks again!