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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5

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  1. Thank you, I will sign up and make that suggestion. Looking for other ways I came across a Ulimaker Video that I was able to implement. Again, not very easy, (at least for me) but did the same thing. Was a little problematic but a good learning experience for me. I spit the model in Fusion and saved each to STL files. Opened each STL file in Cura. Oriented them visually so that they were close. Selected a different extruder for each one then merged the modules together. It was important to select different extruders prior to the merge or they merged and could not be selected independently, which kind of makes sense. I am away from my printer but suspect it will print correctly. All in all it is easy to change filament during the print, only problem is I must be there at the exact moment the layer change is needed. I have a life and watching filament extrude for hours just does not do it for me. Thanks again! UMS5_MailBox2Color.3mf
  2. I agree about the easy button. Maybe I don't see the big picture but why can't there be a selection for setting a given extruder depending on just the level that is printing. In my model, which is 18.7mm high, say with .2 Layer height there are 94 layers, including 1 for the first layer. I know that just printing the numbers and outside frame starts at 35, this is where I would like to have the color change and where I would manually pause the printer to change out the filament. I think there is a plug in for setting a pause but I'm not sure so I have to just be there when I see the change. Why not have a simple setting that says at level 35 start printing with extruder 2? What am I missing?
  3. Thank you Greg. I think I can make that work, I never would have figured that out without your help! Just seems with all the selections Cura would have a straight forward solution
  4. Using dual extruder with different colors how can the color or nozzle be specified for specific layers or a range of layers? Seems like that would be an option somewhere in the many available. I see a top and bottom selection but otherwise it's a matter of pause and change filament during the print.
  5. Thank you, I had just discovered that somehow that option got turned on. I have had very clean prints without it so turning it off makes me happy, I had just never needed it before and therefor unaware of it. Thank you.
  6. When printing with Nylon and PVA support, (it may happen with others) an unwanted circle of PVA material is being created in the corner? The circle will go the entire height of the build obviously taking time and material. It is not part of my model and will be there regardless of the model I select. It goes away when I deselect supports. Why is Cura adding this? How do I turn it off?
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