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Everything posted by jcosta690

  1. Hi @tomnagel, unfortunately there is none available on the marketplace. Not sure what you mean by deprime?
  2. Hi all, So contantly when I am printing with Nylon (specifically Colorfabbs PA NEeat), all goes well and printing is OK. But at the end, when the material is supposed to rewind back to storage, it gets stuck in the print core, the extruder motor grinds down material and end up having an error. The machine then displays an error message, which I believe heats up the print core, I am then able to pull it out by removing the bowden tube, and then it forwards material to the point where it has the grinding and asks user to cut it. Even though the machine is helpful in solving the issue, problem occurs every time at the end of a production. So everytime I lose about a meter of filament!! Is there any way to solve this? As I understand, its just a matter of maintining a certain temperature during this "finalize" procedure so that it can successfully rewind back the material. I would appreciate any tips to solve this. Some data: S5 Pro Bundle, latest Cura version 4.13.1, 285ºC Print Core1, Dried Material Thanks JDC
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