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Everything posted by hhassan

  1. Here are the results. Overall it printed well but there is still some visible distortion/shift on the X Axis. It only seems to impact sharp corners. This does not better than the calibration cube, but I did use the beta version of Cura 5 for this one. Not sure if that helped. Note: This is printed with ABS
  2. Thanks for sharing the file. I'll start the print in the next hour and share the results soon after
  3. Here is the gcode for the file in question Calibration Cube.gcode
  4. I would like to consider myself not a newbie to 3D printing, but I have come across an issue that I have not managed to resolve. My printer is an Anet A8 custom build with extrusion frame and linear rails. The extruder and housing design is taken from the Voron 2. I am using Klipper as my choice of firmware and have dialled in all the setup parameters, such as extrusion, pid for print head temp, bed screw levelling and mesh bed levelling. I started off printing a calibration cube and the results were disappointing. (please see attached photos) The edges, in particular on one side of the Y axis, seem to be distorted, the opposite side seems fine, apart from the elephant foot at the base. I have ensured there was no play at the print head and all belts were correctly tightened. Can anyone shed some light on this?
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