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Everything posted by Ltek

  1. Cure 5.3.0 (assuming also in 5.2.x) 'creates' a defect when the largest 100% flat face is on the build plate (it is Layer 1) When that face is layer 152 (top most layer), that defect is not there. Looked at the model in X-Ray & Wireframe (using Microsoft 3D Builder, Meshmixer, and Cura)... there is NO mesh facet where Cura is putting it after slicing. AND Prusa doesnt have the same defect no matter what orientation I slice the model in (attached photo) STL & Photos attached. UnderMountCase_defect.stl
  2. Sorry to pick it apart (below), I do appreciate the help and the below is not to insult or be mean. IMO this issue a Cura bug in this feature (more so after rereading the Cura definition of this feature) + they need to get rid of the word 'Hole' in the option and describe what it does properly. The only Cura explanation I could find talks about 'filling cavities inside the model' -- and this is not even close to what it is doing. I found numerous other posts where people have to turn this off or it screws things up. This is a really bad setting and should be off by default, for sure. <picking apart the definition of hole and how Cura is using it> If the Cura algorithm used your definition it would have closed the 'top most' depression (which has 3 walls & bottom but missing one side wall, thus cannot hold water), and not the one in the center of the model (which it did seal off), which can hold water with 4 walls and bottom. Or if the algorithm was working as you state... all depressions in any surface (in my model) would be a 'hole' and should have been filled in because they all have a bottom, 3 sides, and one other side actually has a hole... so 2 side walls would not hold water. The true definitions of 'hole' is not determined by orientation and/or number of walls. Collins dictionary... A hole is a hollow space in something solid, with an opening on one side. A hole is an opening in something that goes right through it.
  3. @GregValiant thank you, the answer = "Remove all Holes" was enabled (I did not have 'Make Overhangs Printable' enabled) Still, its a bug. Given... the same STL works proper in one orientation but not the other... I call that a bug having worked in SW most of my life. And that large debossed area is not a hole, by any definition of the word. I submitted a bug in Git. I appreciate the help!
  4. Screenshots show when in prepare vs sliced. When the model is horizontal on the bed, Cura misses critical model details. This is the SAME STL imported into Cura 5.2.1 and duplicated - changed orientation, then sliced. you can see it is missing the center debossed area (which is identical depth to the top debossed area), and the holes on the back that are connection points to the a separate STL which is the 2nd part of the model. Is this is Bug?
  5. Please see the photo where Cura is bridging 300mm lengths instead of doing the 4mm width! If you actually know please post a solution (too many goose chases when people guess but dont know) thanks for the help!
  6. thank you! Cura really needs an Import function to noobie-proof the great contributions that do not get 'published' in the Cura Marketplace.
  7. Log and script attached. Verified, I did put the PY in the proper folder. thx for the help! Log_and_Script.zip
  8. I found a PY for the SmartTempTower I want into include the Cura folder for reuse no matter what I try Cura doesnt see it instructions I found for WINDOWS.... Copy PY file to 'C:\USERS\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\cura\scripts' ... then Restart Cura. *** I'm assuming they meant \cura\<version number>\scripts ... I tried both v5 and v4.13 but they do not "see" the script @cura please include a simple 'upload' capability in the app!
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