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Everything posted by Garythebloke

  1. Hi Greg, thanks for the reply. I'm more or less doing as you described. The only thing i'm not doing is to edit the G code. Why is this necessary? I thought the saved Gcode had the relevant changes based on the Cura post mod. I'll certainly have a look at what you've suggested though. I have tried though to just add other scripts like display time remaining, create thumbnail but nothing changes. Thanks again, i'll have another go later.
  2. Hi, I've been trying to add to the post processing on Cura 5.2.1 in particular I just want to just change filament colour using the G Code mod Although i'm a fairly seasoned maker I don't have much tech knowledge. But it seems that anything I change in post processing has no effect on my prints. I am saving the file to an sd card and printing from that but seems like no changes are being made to the code. Do I have to be connected to the printer? Appreciate some advice, thanks for reading. Gary
  3. Thanks Greg, I'll give it a look over some time, yeah i'm using windows so no worries, appreciate that. Regards Gary
  4. 🏆🏆🏆😃😃😃🏆🏆🏆 By George, I think you've done it ! I have just become one of your workaround proclaimers Greg, and you retain your Title "King of Workarounds" 🤗 That does indeed work ! I am so glad I bumped into you. I can now start to use this amazing facility of "pause at height" as the only way I have been able in the past to do two colours (usually to highlight text) was to ink a hard-ish surface and apply ink then press onto raised text. Thank you so much for sticking with it, and me, as I would not have been able to do it myself. You are a star ⭐ Time to get designing !! High regards Gary
  5. Hi, I tried the different settings but it seems the best solution is the BQ(M25) as it actually allows me to change filament and resume from the parked position. All that is lacking is the Z setting to lift the nozzle clear of the bed by say 15mm as in your script. I don't want to keep bothering you but could you tell me what code to add to my test code, and where, so that it will lift the nozzle 15mm and return to the build height and continue? This would be a solution for me. Thanks once more. Gary
  6. OK Greg. This does pause and allow me to load and unload filment, however there is a small problem. When it reaches the pause layer, it lifts the head (as it did before) and parks at the x,y i chose. But after 5 seconds or so it then parks at the original longer setting at the rear of the bed and x0. but it also remains at the layer height, which wouldn't be a problem if i was changing colour at say 10mm height but at 2mm I can't get the filament to ooze from the nozzle easily. Is there a way to overcome this so the z height is lifted at pause? Thanks for your patience, I'm not a 3d pro.
  7. Yes, that was with Marlin, I didn't think to try the other. Will try and report back. Thanks
  8. Thanks again Greg, but I just can't get mine to work! It prints to layer 7 It pauses at my chosen x,y I manually change filament I notice there is no change on the LCD but if I press on any button i.e the pause ( hoping it will continue even though it's still showing pause) then it just says "please wait" and sits there forever so have to power down printer
  9. Thank you for a very detailed response Greg, and those coasters look superb. I'm going to have another go later as the option to change filament at different heights gives a whole new possibility for future makes, as your results show. Thank you once more for your time in answering. ☺️
  10. Sorry to pester you but you said that there are two scripts. Do i need to use both in order to do what i want to do?
  11. Appreciate your help Greg. I didnt really have a particular project in mind, I was just interested to see if it would work. I'll just use this test piece. Just want to be able to pause, change the filament and continue.Thanks LLK4PRO_test.3mf
  12. Hi. can anyone help please? I am trying to use pause at height Cura 5 on a Longer LK4 pro I follow the help and it pauses at the required height but when I try to go back to the filament option in order to replace filament, the screen asks if I want to change folament so I answer yes. Then it says it needs to pause first and just sits there with a busy icon, the only thing I can do then is switch off😕
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