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Everything posted by Muselmann

  1. Thank you gr5 for your help. I will try to figure it out. now i have a point to start from Kind regards Musel
  2. Hello gr5, thanks for the fast reply. The project was a ER Collet holder from thingiverse. In my attempt to troubleshoot i reverted to the standart print profiles to be shure its not a setting problem. When i was loading the Material i noticed that the material was moving in a stop and go motion and made a scraping noise untill it entered the guide tube of the Printcore. (see Video) I had just cleaned the Bowdentube and Feeder, so it schuldn't be dirt. The fan starts blowing at 60°C as intendet. I just made the same flow tests on the left core/Side and even with the Solex Core. At the moment the Core setup is original Ultimaker Core on the left Solex core on the right. the extrusion seems to be fine in both cores. We use PLA from ICE UM3_ER16_15-collet_box_v8.3mf video_20220825_162414.zip
  3. Hello, I operate an Ultimaker 3 at my Workplace. We bought a 3D Solex Printcore about a year ago as a replacement and the prints were good. After we updated to Cura 5.0 we encountered problems of underextrusion and worst of all the Feedwheel grinding itself into the PLA Material. I tried everithing i could think of. I cleaned the feeder - didn't help I replaced the nozzle - didn't help I replaced the Printcore - didn't help I updated to 5.1 - didn't help I downgraded to 4.13.1 - didn't help I am pretty shure , that the Printcore or the nozzle is the problem. I made a testprint with an Ultimaker Printcore and the print went fine, with no problems. I also noticed that when loading the Ultimaker core, that the ammount of plastic pushed through the nozzle is higher, compared to the Solex core and when i pust by hand the ultimaker nozzle is easyer to push through then the Solex. My suspicion is that the 3 internal holes in the nozzle are obstructing the flow to a point, where printing is possible for small or short prints. But to be honest i am shooting into the dark here. Does anyone have an explanation or solution to the problem, e.g. lowering the printspeed to a point where the low throughput is compensated for. Kind Regards Musel Pressure setting of the Feeder Grinding on the Material during printing with no support and as little retraction as possible. Grinding on the Material, when Material is loadet into the Printhead and getting pushed through the nozzle.
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