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Everything posted by drlava

  1. I have been using the Cura config provided by flsun fot V400 with success. One note, it would be good if the config could default the print infill technique to gyroid rather than Grid. It's not clear if the printer config can influence this within Cura.
  2. Thanks for pointing that out, you are correct. I did not hear the fan spinning up any higher than the base 20% setting, but the Max fan speed was also set to 20%. After making other adjustments in the 'print cooling' section, the print time has dropped dramatically.
  3. Hello Cura experts, beginner here. I'm slicing up a replacement chess piece, and notice that the speed that Cura generated when slicing is a LOT slower than expected. I have an Flsun v400, so have the settings set high, but Curs is giving me 7-8 mm/s around the trunk of the chess piece, which is about 14mm dia, so not that small. Nothing I change seems to improve the output speed in this area. What's up? "...Models with smooth curves like spheres, cones, and cylinders, well as more complex models made up of many organic shapes, will display improved surface quality as they will print with up to twice as many individual segments. This was achieved by implementing a new resolution algorithm..."
  4. gr8 tips, gr5 and DivingDuck, thank you. The saved project path makes sense, and clearly that's a work-around due to the challenging nature of profile management in Cura currently. DD, about version updates - if they break profiles, then would they break saved projects as well? If in new updates there's not built-in migration code or design to load previous profiles that would be a challenge for community and manufacturer created profiles as well. Can you clarify?
  5. Hi, as a brand new user, I find 'global settings' vs 'extruder settings' confusing as well. I am trying to edit into a custom profile my desired settings for a specific filament. Just editing the print settings in the material manager isn't sufficient because there is no flow_rate_extrusion_offset_factor available there. Plus the settings aren't applied, as the printer profile over-rides them (oddly). The issue is there [i]doesn't appear to be any way to edit the print settings in the printer profile manager[/i]. I can Update a custom profile only by editing settings from the main screen then going to the profile manager and selecting 'Update Profile', but those changes are only applied to 'Extruder 1' not the global settings of that profile, and even then there is no setting for extrusion offset visible. So I go for the extreme work-around of exporting, unzipping, and manually editing the profile, and there is some illogic to what is deemed Global and what is deemed Extruder X settings in those files. My custom extrusion offset factor went to the global profile settings, but the infill type, print temperature, and print speed went to the extruder profile settings. Huh? As a new user, I get why there could be multiple extruder settings and a global setting for universals (like material bed temp which is the same for all extruders on a machine). but can't see the logic or utility of why extrusion factor is global, and why the Ultimaker Cura help page doesn't elucidate how to edit profiles, and doesn't contain the word 'edit' at all. Most likely as a result this is why it's rated 42 out of 195 found it helpful. Thank you for making this amazing software available, for free! In this case, it feels like there is a bit of legacy cruft or logic along for the ride.
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