I understand they require certain rights in order to host and distribute material. If I recall correctly, some of these legal changes were to address those concerns.
However, there's also a way to write it up which specifies that it requires these rights only for hosting. I don't see any of that kind of legalese in there at all. And I'm not sure how legal it is for them to just retroactively change licenses that users granted to them.
Do I think Makerbot is a sinister company that's looking to take over all my objects? No.
But, I didn't think Sun was a sinister company either. Then Oracle bought their stuff and started acting belligerent. What's to say someone won't buy out Makerbot and do the same?
In the meantime I just don't feel comfortable hosting my objects there, until things are very spelled out. I'd feel even better if it was a community driven site that couldn't be just taken over by one corporate entity.
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Daid 306
It's a bit different then that. Their license doesn't claim ownership, but it does gives them certain rights that are "dodgy", like using the models without attribution, even if the selected license requires it.
This license is also not new, as the internet-archive shows it had this claim in it before. People just noticed it now. It would be wise to wait for a response from Makerbot.
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