Thanks for responding.
The print starts out well, but when it gets to the point you see above, it starts to mess up. First, the little arms coming out the side don't seem to harden quite right (it almost looks like there isn't enough filament, but I don't really know), so when the head comes again to add more filament, it sticks pulls the arms in toward the body. Eventually the filament is missing the arm buds completely because they are stuck to the center portion and it falls to the bed.
I have set the side fans while it was printing, but they still don't turn on. I think the rear fan is working because I hear a humming.
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DidierKlein 729
Hi and welcome,
It's strange because the beginning looks quite good.
Can you elaborate a bit on what is happenning?
You talk about the fans, is it the side fans or the back fan? Can you check while printing, in the tune menu and set the fans to 100% to see if they work or not?
Or in the maintenance menu you can also set the fan speed (without the need to print).
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