That's exactly my problem: the motor *is* powered. It moves up (using the Ulticontroller), but after reaching the top range, it appears as if it is reducing the motor drive after stepping, so it slides just a few millimeters only back.
I guess it's somewhat intentional to reduce the motor drive after stepping (to reduce the power consumption and motor driver heat), but obviously, it ought to be only reduced enough to still have the bed in place. Strange to me though that this only happens in the top range (low Z coordinates). When the bed is a little below that, it doesn't slide back.
I'll see to upgrade Marlin tonight, in the hope this might change it.
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Titus 170
It depends, if your motors are not powered, i.e. You can move the bed by hand or turn the screw, then congratulations you assembled everything right! The bed should be able to drop yo the bottom slowly when unpowered. This was different on the original bed where it would stay in place.
If you have your machine on, and use the menu to make the z move by 1 or 0.1mm then it should not fall down. So calibrate with the motor powered on and move to using the ulticontroller (or Cura if without ulticontroller)
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