Thanks. Apparently 10.04 is based around py2.6 and has lots of dependent apps (like EVERYTHING). I tried manually installing python 2.7 onto my 10.04 install using several guides. About my 3rd reinstall of the whole OS (i couldn't undo the damage), i've gotten as close as linking python2.7 to the python command and getting past the Python.h errors by installing python2.7-dev by using this instructional
It gets me the error messages, but numpy is the only package that i can't get to install for the life of me. I only need this system for the 3 slicers and linuxcnc, so i'm not terribly concerned with package breaking outside of them and VNC. It's just that i spent 10 hours on this today alone and i'm kinda approaching the "screw it" line.
Is there a virtual environment or something that i can use to get cura to call? That would be MUCH easier....
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Daid 306
Cura needs python 2.7, wxPython, pyserial, numpy (for python 2.7)
You should run the script in a terminal so you can see the error output.
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