Thanks for the quick reply the problem with the old print head was that wehn the job was sent to the printer the material that that it printed in was the wrong type it was supposed to be ABS blue but on the screen the PC in the next bay was also reading ABS blue and used that one it sometimes gives wrong readings is it because they might be too close together when new roll is loaded and picks up the info on the one beside it its ok if I take out the one beside it and the load. I will let you know how it works with new cable thanks Eddie
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Josnoww 15
Hi @eddie1beaer,
I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with your printer. What was the problem with your old print-head? It could be that that problem was related to a bad cable. I would indeed recommend using the new cable. Please let me know if that fixed it for you.
Best regards,
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