I'm considering buying a Bondtech DDG so I can print abrasive filament with my Solex Everlast Ruby printcore nozzles on my two UM 3 printers. I am happy with the UM 3 filament feeders ("extruders") otherwise and I don't have a need to for dual abrasive filament extrusion, though I might print non-abrasive support with an abrasive filament on occasion.
Is is possible to have two different e-step values--one value for feeder #1 and the other for feeder #2? That would save me half the cost of the full conversion? It appears this would require building a custom version of UM 3 Marlin. I'm very familiar with building Marlin for my UMO but I'm unfamiliar with the UM 3 / Marlin 2.
Plan "B" is to machine a knurled feeder wheel out of a heat-treatable steel or perhaps case hardening the original knurled wheels might be possible. I still have a nearly full can of the discontinued cyanide Kaseknit, the best case hardening treatment ever!
Edited by calinb
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CarloK2 14
The UM3 was designed very flexible and has most of these values stored in an internal configuration file. It requires you to set the printer in Developer mode and then remotely log in to the Linux prompt to modify the file: /usr/share/griffin/griffin/machines/um3.json
The process is very similar to changing the E steps for people who upgraded the extruders. I'm lazy and redirect you to the Bondtech manual which explains this for dummies: https://support.bondtech.se/Guide/01. DDG For Ultimaker 2 and 3/16.html
See page 8 and further.
Instead of modifying the 'e' value, you, of course, will have to modify the 'z' value.
Note that the Bondtech manual is old, the screenshots have the 'X', 'Y', 'Z' and 'E' parameters in capitals, with later firmware versions changed those to lower case letters.
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