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Posts posted by ian


    remember me,... maybe not.

    Anyway.... life keeps on trucking... :)

    I convinced my new company to buy a ultimaker 2 extended. It arrived yesterday,

    We already printed our first 3 prototypes with a great quality. Seems like ultimaker has done a great job in improving the quality of its product !! RESPECT !

    I had nightmares that I would be excusing one bad print after another but no... everything NICE :)

    AHHHHHHHHHHHH back into ultimaker world... feesl good I have to say.

    Plus now im a normal user.. I can walk around the forum.. chat and share experiences wearing my Winny the Poo bed things... and no one will ever know ;)

    Lovely to be back guys.

    Big hug.


    • Like 5
  2. Can I make a PA 2200 (White strong material from Shapeways) model, water proof with some sort of spray coating ?

    I know this is not directly ultimaker related but I know the People on this Forum are the smartest guys around for this type of question.

    Why I ask is because I need to print out a rather large model 250 x 250 x 60 mm battery pack Shell casing that my Company is developing.

    We are getting one printed from shapeways for around 260 euros.

    But trying to find a Company that can print the same prototype model in a water tight material that we can also shock and Vibration test seems to be a Little tricky ?

    Any ideas guys ?

    Thanks guys.

    Ian :)

    • Like 1
  3. Not to blow the bubble but make sure you dont disclose sensitive information :D.

    I love my work too and which I could tell things about it, show prints of our game content,...

    Keep it up! Loving your work is a key element to your happyness!


    dont worry.... i never give enough information to actually help others.. just enough to tease and annoy them ;-) HEHEHE....


  4. Happy for you Lan i remembre a couple of months ago you where in the same state of mind as me (lame boring job). I which i could do something i like more too. I'm looking for a complete change of career (i'm tired of software development) but it's not easy to do.


    life is just ... to short to waste in a go no where job.. we spend a massive amount of our lives working and handing that time over to some jerk off bosses for enough money to pay the apartment bill at the end of the month.. no thanks...

    technically in germany.. being unemployed and happy offers more opportunity for a change in career than staying in the same crap job.



  5. I have 2 more months of trial.. then I know if I have my job or not.... I hate the wait... im working like a lunatic to get everything done on time and make everyone happy... but im running out of steam now... sleeping 9 and 10 hours every day... working... eating and sleeping... i don't want to loose this job... its the first time in my life im getting to design new products 50 hours of the week... designing amazing machines that that cut flip print, dry, glue... everything and at high speed.

    I love it... working on a new cutter for a machine at the moment.. a new option to allow paper to normally flow through the machine path... but also allow for the sliced end paper to be sucked out through a very fine opening... the wheels that grab the cut paper have to have the right spring tension and positioning from start standard usage position to the heaviest paper that machine can digest... add in that around this new addon... their is 0.5 space between the next moving part... and Iv designed the whole thing to be a PLUG N PLAY unit.. just need to swap two screws from the main body and your rock n roll..... GOD LET ME DO THIS AMAZING KINDA WORK UNTIL IM 99 years of age... SCREW becoming a pensioner... I want to make more machines... :-) HEHEHEHE


  6. welcome to... the family... honestly... its the only forum I have ever been a member of that I would use that word... family.

    There is a big band of great people on here from around the world... also willing ti help you and get even better prints out of your ultimaker2 and really WOW your boss.... trust me.. these guys have saved my bacon for than once....

    your going to have a lot of fun and as you said... half the ultimaker crack is here on the forum... ok sorry I have to use a little of my irish english ;-)

    Ian :-)


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