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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Meant to ask...are people using plastic panels for the openings to seal it off (i.e. like the Replicator 2) ?
  2. Well I'm not sure you can rule it out simply because the particle size is the same for a different object/item This is a good question for a scientist I do know that ABS fumes are downright nasty. I know some parts I have bought for my R2 came from a gent who laser cuts the pieces. That burnt smell reeks for quite some time, to the point I threw it away. There's a lot of info on the dangers of various plastics and since we are "cooking" these to the melting point, it'll be interesting to see what the results are for other plastics like Delrin or Nylon materials. That said, I'm not planning to suit up like Darth Vader (yet)...but I am thinking about proper ventilation...and wondering how that might affect how the prints come out (cooling)
  3. Locally? This website is worldwide (I'm in the United States)
  4. This is the part I will be working on tonight Alignment and calibration has me a little worried I resume on step http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Ultimaker_rev.4_assembly:_Extrusion_head%C2%A0%C2%A0%20,%20Mounting%20the%20XY%20to%20the%20frame Any tips or tricks appreciated!
  5. Hi Sander, The Wiki didn't mention how far the screw should go in, mine got really tight half way in but I was able to get it almost all the way in. Thanks for the info on the extruder alignment. Eventually a second one will go in as I bought that option. But for now, as you advised, I will stick with one, get some experience with the Ultimaker and upgrade to that later.
  6. Ok, so it wont other anything being oriented the way it is? I wasn't sure if cooling shroud would be cooked being so close to the thrmo-wire stuff
  7. Follow up questions... Does it matter which direction the aluminum block points? From all the moving around, twisting around building it, that's sort of where the aluminum block has wound up. Do I need to twist is around to be positioned elsewhere?
  8. If I may suggest an edit to the Wiki... Route the CPU fan wires first, once the other wires are in there, good luck getting that plug connector to fit thru!
  9. The steps to place the pulleys on the RIGHT side were backwards. It wanted you to place pulley, belt to other axis, place pully for the other belt...which you couldnt do, since placing the pulley blocks the way! I had to blink a few times to figure out what needed to be done...place pulley, slide to rear for attachment to moor, place place pulley, loop in opposite axis belt, then another pulley for the remaining belt. Then go back, loosen motor, get belt over pulley Now I am at the blocks/sliders I think I got it all correct, tho I keep looking at how they tip down/up with nothing in them.
  10. Replaced all the set screws as advised in the wiki (and read here too) Everything is loose for now. Just happy my brain "clicked" on this. Moving on!
  11. Now THAT should be in the Wiki! Explains a lot...if anything, verifies stuff too. See above...think, based on the directions and what I saw in your video..looks right
  12. I'll do that, thanks Here's some progress from the evening Funny what a fresh pot of coffee can do. How's this look?
  13. Yes, GR5, the video (from 2011) is one thing, seeing stills of how it should appear from side to side, another
  14. I'm having a tough time visualizing and interpeting the instructions and pictures on this step. Which rods get a pulley, how many? Which side? Which way should the blocks be facing? Thank you! Paul
  15. Well I am used to going step by step since that's what the directions are all about ! For example, up to know, each section prefaced with the parts needed and how to proceed. When I got to the bed, I got a picture of the parts but no part listing of what will be needed So the Wiki is inconsistent I suppose if this is your second or third build, its quite easy. But for a wary new comer, whose read numerous issues about alignment issues on other threads, I would very much like to get it assembled correctly the first time.
  16. Ha, funny you say that, just finished the bed...!
  17. We've skipped ahead hoping for better pictures of the completed items but haven't Based on some of the alignment issues others have had, I am trying to avoid re-doing things. (And kinda wishing i went with assembled...I'd rather be printing versus decoding the wiki/building)
  18. Just looking for some good pictures of how everything should look, especially the pulleys and linkages...I have some questions about how sliders face, etc Thanks!
  19. Question on the tray...the left side...I haven't tightened it all the way...but it doesn't go flush...does this look right?
  20. Is there better pictures to show how to get the axis and pulleys installed? The pictures in the wiki show no detail (front, left, right?) and we are somewhat stuck trying to figure out how to proceed Its as if whoever wrote the instructions just gave up on this section. We had really good writing up until this point. Questions we have... We know we have four AXIS What is extremely vague is the order of pictures that show, well, nothing pertinent. We are looking to see what sides get pulleys and which do not. Please go here http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Ultimaker_rev.4_assembly:_X-Y_axes And review Step 4. And also, if the pictures could show "Front view' "Side View" and the sort would be enormously helpful. You post a lot of pictures but no captions or highlights of what one is seeing...or should look for. We're quitting for the night, very disappointed we couldn't get beyond this As someone who does technical writing for years in software, try to understand my frustration
  21. Well so far today we have made it thru to where we installed the axis rods (why do they called these AXES?) Upon having to rely on the wiki for instructions, the grammar needs a lot of work. Section 1.2 and the installation of the axis rods is vague, which end do we start? When is the pulley added? Perhaps its time for a break.
  22. Noted! Having a friend help build is a great second set of eyes too
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