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Posts posted by viralata

  1. So here are my tests and impressions about dual extrusion:

    As I said in another post, the wiki is very good, just lack the fact that you need to update the firmware.

    The only problem I have is visible in this picture:


    It seems my long screw are too short, making the plates not horinzontal at all. It's printing like that, but it doesn't look professional at all :???:. I was wondering about shortening the 2 black plastic spacers to give more space so that I get a more leveled plates. Any problems with that ?

    It seems, like 3Dcase said it that the second hot end Diameter is not taken in account by cura (13.11.2) I had underextrusion problem with my filament in head 2 and no way to solve it by lowering the diameter. But increasing the flow solved it (and no big trouble with over extrusion of hotend1).

    For calibration I used this : https://www.youmagine.com/designs/dual-extrusion-calibration-and-first-test, it's easy with a caliper to get the approximate offset, here you can see the first print and after calibration:


    Now that I understood this under extrusion problem and the use of ooze shield and wipe tower, I will post soon my first real print.


  2. So I finaly got time to mount my dual extrusion kit.

    Everything was fine, except that the aluminium plate is not horizontal at all (fan side is higher, if not the long rodes didn't screw in it), making it look somehow broken. I don't know if I should shorten the black spacers ?

    Anyway, what I found not good in the wiki:

    -it is not explained that you should upgrade the firmware

    -it is not said that the wires of the sensors must be on the correct ways (and I didn't remember): so the first time I had the hot end 1 temperature decreasing instead of increasing and a err: mintemp error.

    Maybe it souds obvious but not for me :oops:

    Except that, a very clear explanation


  3. Some more christmas lights, once again modelled in Blender. This one was not very easy to print, the result is not very clean (a lot of lines and a lot of samll blobs):




    This one uses procedural textures too, two layers of them, for displacement;





  4. Thanks Ian,

    I will have to take time to make a tutorial when I finish the whole serie (and participate to the GinGels Bells contest :-P )

    To make it short:

    I use two modifiers on a quite basic mesh:

    A subsurf modifier to add a LOT of faces

    A displace modifier that moves the points depending of a procedural texture generated by blender.

    You have to play a lot with the procedural textures settings to get really what you want, which you never achieve, but tweaking around you once in a while manage unexpected results that sometimes are better than your initial aim :mrgreen: .


  5. Thanks SandervG, the size is approx 12cm height.

    Here is the second one, printed too fast it seems, but in reality the defects are less visible.

    Modeled with Blender of course, using displacement modifier. With this type of very high poly models, I would like to be able to disable the autoslicing, takes hours on my laptop...

    I really love how the white PLA plays with light




  6. I printed the main body and the arm together, with a standard support from CURA (short time for this, so I didn't try to model someting better).

    Here are my latest test prints with procedural displacement in blender, for testing purpose, before cleaning. No support for this, tried to model it for that under my son's art direction. My son called it snow elephant.



    An other displacement proceduraly generated. The new white filament from Ultimaker is making nice prints, you don't see that much the layers at 210°C, but you get some small blobs:


    Christmas is coming, so you will see more lamps I guess :-P





  7. Here are my last prints:

    A quick and dirty guitare box I modelled with Blender in a workshop in a bar. The aim was to make people discover 3D printing, by making an object for the bar. This one will be used for collecting some money for the bands playing live music. Very fast printing, so the quality is not that good, but it's enough for the need:




  8. J'ai reçu mon kit de dual extrusion. Par contre je n'aurai pas le temps de le monter avec une semaine :-|

    Je suis surtout intéressé par les supports en PVA, mais en attendant que ça soit vraiment supporté, deux couleurs m'intéressent bien même si je ne l'aurai pas acheté que pour ça.


  9. Hello,

    Our fablab http://chantierlibre.org/ is holding two workshops this month:

    One this saturday inhttp://chantierlibre.org/2013/09/26/atelier-impression-3d-pendant-le-4eme-rallye-des-savoir-faire/ (42), with only our own Ultimaker, it's 2 workshop (3 hours each) to discover 3D printing. We will use her wings 3D as it is easier to begin with than Blender.

    Thehttp://chantierlibre.org/2013/09/26/labo-3d-de-la-folle-journee-de-larchitecture-a-nancy/ is much bigger, held during the FJA (Crazy Days of Architecture) the 12th of october 2013 in Architecture School of Nancy. It will feature 4 (or 5) ultimakers !! to let everybody mix, modify and remix iteratively some architectural designs to have as many printed designs as we can. The software used will be of course Blender.

    I will let you know more about it.


  10. Bonjour à tous,

    Notre fablab (http://chantierlibre.org/) organise très prochainement deux ateliers de découverte de l'impression 3D:

    Le samedi 5 octobre (je sais, c'est demain ...) à St Symphorien de Lay dans le 42 pour le http://chantierlibre.org/2013/09/26/atelier-impression-3d-pendant-le-4eme-rallye-des-savoir-faire/

    Le 12 octobre à Nancy pour la http://chantierlibre.org/2013/09/26/labo-3d-de-la-folle-journee-de-larchitecture-a-nancy/ ou sur le site de la FJA. Pour le second, nous aurons normalement 4 imprimantes !!

    Si vous êtes dans le coin, n'hésitez pas.


  11. I agree with you that this part is not well documented. I figured it out while searching for cogged nozzle. So here is how I proceed (hoping there is nothing wrong):


    • [*]I launch a print and during the heating time I pause it: the only thing not paused is the heater, so it will reach the 220°C or whatever temperature you choose.

    [*]Once it reached it I pull out the filament (and then cut the partly melted down end ) and I introduce the new one, first with the extruder plastic part that pressure the filament on the metal rod removed then at the end I put it back and use the extruder gear.

    [*]If you want to be sure to have no old filament left, with the gear you can push out the filament until you see the new color (but in some case it's nice to have one face of the object with an other color)

    [*]Then you can resume the print (or cancel it)



  12. Thanks for your quick answer. I tried a third time... let's see what happen.

    Could not make my desktop fresh linuxmint15 install connect to the printer (added user to dialin, I don't remember if there is something else to do...) Please, please, why is it so annotying to make it work under linux ? I'm just so happy when it works that I'm affraid to update, as every time I have to find on the net new tricks to make it work.

    Update: 3rd try and failure again...

    Going back to cura 13.04 :-(


  13. Hello all,

    Coming back from hollidays, I wanted to see if I have better luck with the new version of Cura.

    I found somewher this trick to make ite slice:

    in a terminal, first type:

    export LC_TIME=en_US.utf8

    then type


    to launch it.

    Now it slices, it is very fast indeed, but on my laptop it's not instant, and I like complex geometry... so I would definitely prefer a Slice button :-)

    But then, it's the second time that the printer stop after several hours, thing that never happend with 13.04. I got this message:


    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/mainWindow.py", line 62, in <lambda>

    self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda e: self.scene.showPrintWindow(), i)

    File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/sceneView.py", line 200, in showPrintWindow


    File "/usr/share/cura/Cura/util/sliceEngine.py", line 317, in submitSliceInfoOnline

    'profile': profile.getGlobalProfileString(),

    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'getGlobalProfileString'

    >>The program 'python' received an X Window System error.

    >>This probably reflects a bug in the program.

    >>The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.

    >> (Details: serial 14155592 error_code 11 request_code 53 minor_code 0)

    >> (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;

    >> that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.

    >> To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line

    >> option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful

    >> backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)


    I used to trust very much Cura and leave it to print for nights with no fear. Should I go back to 13.04, or anybody understands this error an can tell me what I should do.


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