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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. Hi, ich habe eine Umfrage zu einer "Ultimaker Convention" hier erstellt. Ich fände es sehr cool wenn das zustande kommt. Bitte stimmt dafür ab so dass Ultimaker merkt dass Interesse besteht: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5682-ultimaker-convention/
  2. Hey guys, about an official Ultimaker convention - I have created a poll here. Please vote! http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5682-ultimaker-convention/
  3. Hi, I know that Ultimaker hosts a recurring event the "Ulti-evening" (link). But how about a big Ultimaker convention? I'd really like to meet some of you, shake hands with the Ultimaker team and just be around like minded people. How about a poll? If enough people vote for it, maybe the conference will climb up on Ultimaker's priority list
  4. My fan was extremely loud and I asked for a replacement. After I took the first fan off, I noticed that it was much quieter (but still loud). The second fan was very very quiet when not mounted and loud when attached to the head. Just undo the fan and check the loudness.
  5. Me too. I whish I wasn't scared of flying and had some time to spare. There is a maker faire in Hannover/Germany in july (http://makerfairehannover.com/). Who's going? Aaron, you like traveling - why not visit Germany? Hey Ian good to hear. I do come to appreciate Bavaria (except for the dialect). Now that my best friend moved to Munich, I am going to visit Bavaria very often. Last weekend I was there and went trekking with some friends. We had our own alpine hut for two days (no electricity, only gas powered lamps) - it was great!
  6. I had a very long failed print and had to disassemble the head because the nozzle was partially clogged (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5595-resume-long-print/). After the failed print I cleaned the nozzle as best I could without taking it apart. The filament flow was normal but when I printed Robert's feeder, I got some of the worst prints ever on an UM2 :( My idea was to print the feeder, then disassemble the head _and_ mount the new feeder (to avoid further ABS contamination). I disassembled everything, burned the inside of the nozzle and put it in acetone for a few hours. However I did also inspect the teflon piece and the ridge/lip is clearly visible: No wonder the extrusion tests failed after 6mm^3/s. And this is a newish UM2 (two months old). I wonder if my use case promotes the early failing of the teflon piece. I do change filament quite often (almost every print). When the filament tip passes the teflon piece, the sharp edge may scratch the same spot over and over again until it forms this ridge. Or the teflon piece is very sensitive when the nozzle is hot and there is no filament (while changing it). I try to change filament as fast as possible but because I do it often, the time when the teflon piece is hot and alone adds up (this sounds unnecessarly kinky, I wonder which of my fellow horny squirrels will jump on it ). Oh and my first attempt to print Robert's feeder was interrupted by the temperature sensor who couldn't decide if it wants to report the temperature or not (just to spice things up a bit). There was also some underextrusion, because why not?
  7. Well this didn't end well. The top half warped a bit (didn't use brim) and wasn't flush with the rest. I will weep softly, ditch the print and move on...
  8. What do you need this for? Wouldn't "pause" do the same?
  9. Since we are talking about small enhancements - my favorite is "show elapsed time" when the print finishes. Another small one would be "show actual layer number". Actually these small bits of information could very well be tucked inside the tune menu. Something like "show advanced infos".
  10. It is a bottle party. Bring your own b....ottle with you.
  11. Oh hello there... *says the monster under his bed*
  12. Hey guys, by the way. Huge Ultimaker meetup sounds good. Any plans?
  13. Alright, many thanks. I tried to resume the print, got the layer height right but the base model seems to have shifted over night. I abborted the print quickly and now I am printing only the top half and will try to glue it on.
  14. Don't worry, I just wanted you as my Ultimaker Boy Toy, nothing else. Chasing ladies is way too much fun and I won't stop doing it - not even for my Ultimaker R2!
  15. With my first UM2 I had similar problems. But sadly it didn't help even with a new teflon piece. I think I was the only one where it did not help. I'd do the folowing now: Request a new teflon piece (and maybe a nozzle) - contact Sander directly. Print Robert's feeder in PLA and replace the stock feeder. https://www.youmagine.com/designs/alternative-um2-feeder-version-two Disasemble the head again, burn the hell out of that nozzle, let it cool and then put it into acetone for a few hours. Print Robert's low friction spool holder (https://www.youmagine.com/designs/low-friction-um2-spoolholder) or put the filament spool on the floor or on a lazy susan. By the way, speaking of clogs and chewed filament. I had a very long failed print (25h , failed after 21h) - http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5595-resume-long-print/. The filament was worn down so bad that I had to dismantle the feeder to get/cut it out - fun fun :/ On the second picture, see that strand that's about to fall off? Thats ABS that will be transported through the bowden tube and into the nozzle where it will definitely cause trouble. I couldn't push any filament through the nozzle at first - even at 260°. Then I remembered the hypodermic needles I had bought for this reason and poked inside the nozzle with one. The filament that came out features some dark spots - I guess that's the ABS stuff.
  16. Man Robert, if you say that you don't smoke too, I want to marry you RIGHT NOW! Would complete my Ultimaker R2 Lineup. I don't smoke and don't drink alcohol or coffee. I don't get the fuzz about something that has to be enhanced with another ingredient to be tolerable. Might as well be left out completely.
  17. Hi, I had the first time experience to wake up to see a 25h print job abborted after about 21 hours :( The printer just decided to be a dick and grind down filament (or the nozzle is clogged). I'd like to save this print. How would I go about it? I don't have the layer number where it stopped, but even if I had it, what to do? Remove the actual print, start a new print with the upper half of the model and glue them together? Ideally I'd like to resume the print like it is. Right now I think I'd need to switch to gcode (not ultigcode) and remove the starting gcode. Then create a new object without the lower part and add a z move command so the bed moves down. Is this the correct approach? Thanks.
  18. I measured mine - it is exactly 0.4mm. If I squeeze the digital caliper a bit I get 0.39.
  19. I still think it is the teflon piece. If this thing is deformed, then the blockage occurs inside the head when the filament softens due to the heat that creeps upward. And by the way, does the 3rd. fan work?
  20. Then just order a few metres of filament from Faberdashery. Chose the same color and then you can compare.
  21. Hey abstract, I think Illuminarti is right. The teflon piece inside the head seems to be the culprit (and a partially blocked nozzle). If you ask for one, I am sure you'll get one for free. But you can't replace the entire head right now (and you don't want to because taking the rods apart from the sliding blocks isn't that much fun). The head is not very hard to dismantle. If you decide to do it, you could also take the nozzle apart and put in into a little acetone bath for a few hours. This will flush out any ABS that might got stuck in there. Here is a little disassembly guide: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3976-almost-always-missing-layers-underextruding/?p=32823 And here is the official(?) assembly guide for the UM2: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf
  22. Hey Markus, I don't really understand what you mean about lowering the material diameter. What good could it do?
  23. I am about to print Robert's feeder too. Man this UM2 is full of Robert by now. Spool holder, cable chain, dust filter and soon the feeder. Might as well call it Ultimaker R2 (like in Audi's R line). Gotta find another upgrade with "D2" in the name. By the way - happy Star Wars day everyone!
  24. Good idea about the measurement method - I'll try it. But I bet this ain't the issue here. Even with odd filament diameter settings, these lines are too far apart to be "just" underextrusion (although I'd be happy if it were like this). Aha, I knew something was different with colorFabb filament (didn't buy it myself, just swapped filament with another user here on the forums). I smells different and is a bit softer. Not a bad thing and the color is killer!
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