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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. Now, since my main issue with the layers not touching does not really seem to be related to bed leveling (sorry gr5), I'll start another thread.
  2. Hi guys, Just a little update. I thought I've gone made because the problem sorta fixed itself. Leveled the bed again (felt a little resistance between nozzle and paper) and then the leveling was perfect. I tought - wtf? Nothing was different. Printed like this for a few days and then had to re-level (solved a backlash issue with the y-axis and thought it might be a good idea to level the bed). Now after leveling, the first layer looked like the second image in my first post - way too close. I aborted the print and started another. Then the first layer was just perfect... And here is a closeup of that perfect first layer: I have the suspicion my z-stage is a bit loose and after the bed moves up/down a few times, the leveling changes. Does this make sense? If yes, oh well, that's bad. Don't know how to fix it. Never took the z-stage off on the UM2 (and not very keen to do...). @yellowshark: Sorry for not following your advice. I admit that I was too lazy and after the issue fixed itself, I wasn't motivated to perform the test you indicated.
  3. @Robert: Aha, I noticed this behaivour too and wondered if it was always like this. I wonder which Cura version introduced it.
  4. Hey Ian, Did you unveil your design at the fair? If yes, would you like to publish it? I am in the business of printing a new feeder and I am torn between yours and Robert's design. I'd like to take a close look at both in order to decide. Thanks, Stefan
  5. Hi Jörg, falls Markus doch kein Interesse daran hat, dann würde ich gerne mit dir tauschen. Folgende Farben habe ich (neuverpackt): https://www.ultimaker.com/products/pla-bronze https://www.ultimaker.com/products/abs-black Am liebsten würde ich Bronze tauschen denn ich mag die Farbe nicht. Grüße Stefan
  6. @Cor Kiekens: But what is with the lower part oft the objects? It looks pretty smooth. I guess that's where tha fan kicked in. If so, you could try to print without cooling and rule out a possibile cause for the wonky surface.
  7. Haha, very cool idea. Great present. But what happened with the print surface? Quite a few irregularities. Which print settings did you use?
  8. Same here. The light grinding has not been a problem until now. Also after changing filament I print one of those filament clips (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:282242). They are quick to print (3-5 minutes) and useful to get the old filament out. By the way, I am looking for a new tiny model (also in the range of 5 minutes print time) that'll look nice with different color gradients when changing filament. Any (cool) ideas?
  9. Sounds resonable. Thanks for the explanation Daid.
  10. Hey Robert, Here is another idea. Since the feeder is for the UM2 and people will print it with the UM2, you could also provide the gcode files. It will make it easier for others so they need not worry about slicing parameters.
  11. About that "presto part finishe"... do you have a link? thx.
  12. Yes I can do that. Just wanted to highlight a possible bug in Cura.
  13. Hey Robert, Maybe a little video would help. How to operate it and how to assemble (although the assembly, when printed, I guess it is pretty self explanataory).
  14. But what to do with already exported .stl files? Is there a way to simplify them afterwards? Maybe with Meshlab?
  15. Not sure I understand the last question. But when I change filament, I just cut about 10mm below the melted tip and later reuse the filament where it was cut off before.
  16. Solange die Ausdrucke gut aussehen, ist es ja kein Problem. Mir ging es nur um den "flow". Wenn dieser nicht übereinstimmt, dann kommt es eher zum underextrusion oder overextrusion.
  17. Markus da fällt mir ein - macht das InnoFil Filament keine Probleme wenn es einen so hohen Wasseranteil hat? Denn das Wasser verdampft und es kommt am Ende weniger Filament heraus als durch den Durchmesser angegeben. Das gleiche wäre wenn das Filament viele Luftblasen eingeschlossen hat.
  18. I have just tested it with Cura 14.01 and it is the same there.
  19. Hi, I wanted to print this model (link) at 0.5 scale with combing enabled. Looking at the layer preview there are travle moves which do not respect the layer boundaries. Isn't combing supposed to travel only inside the model? The "inappropriate" travel moves correspond with ugly bumps on the printed model (even when printed at 20mm/s and 200°).
  20. @gr5: I may meet up with Ian next week. I'll ask him when I see him.
  21. Hi, sei vorsichtig mit WD40. Wenn das auf das Filament kommt und dann in den Extruder dann soll es angeblich Probleme machen.
  22. Nice print Truckle. It looks very clean. You seem use the glue stick too much. I think it is enough to apply a little and then smear it around with a wet tissue until there is a thin film on the glass plate. Also the bed temperature is a bit too high. 60° should be enough (to make it stick like hell).
  23. Hi, you should re-level the bed. (UM2 menu -> advanced, build plate). Make sure the gap between the nozzle and the bed is very small. When the bed and the nozzle are cold and you slide a piece of paper between them, you should feel very very little resistance.
  24. Hi -104-, kurze Info dazu. Ich hatte auch dieses Geräusch. Kommt (selten) und dann ist es wieder weg. Also im Verlauf eines Druckes. Ich hatte auch keine Qualitätsunterschiede feststellen können. Das Rändelrad ist bei mir fest, ich habe es auch markiert und der Strick war nie zweigeteilt.
  25. Shortening the tube by 5mm is no problem I think. Just make sure that you get a clean cut or else it won't be flush with the head or extruder end.
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