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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. Isn't it Gina - alias OctoPrint master and cool female tech nerd?
  2. Danke! Und schön weiter erzählen
  3. Ich habe noch eine Theorie woran das liegen könnte. Durch das Microstepping könnte das Druckbett beim erwischen des Schalters in einer Zwischenposition stehen bleiben. Wenn der Drucker stromlos geschaltet wird, rutscht das Druckbett ein kleines bischen nach unten und quetscht den Schalter. Das ist nicht viel auch nicht schlimm, aber mit der Zeit könnte das mehr und mehr den Schalter verbiegen. Zumindest könnte man damit erkläre warum es erst nach einer Zeit kommt. Und da das "Stehenbleiben in Halbstellung" per Zufall kommt, tritt es auch nicht bei jeden so stark auf.
  4. I got it too but my friends didn't want to buy it so now I don't have anyone to play with :/
  5. Typical consumer video. What they don't tell you - no matter what support type you chose, the surface will suffer greatly. Meshmixer does a great job of creating inteligent support structures, but even there you'd have small bits left where the tips of the support posts are removed later. So in general - support "sucks" and should be avoided if possible.
  6. Guys, I think you are a little too early with this project. It may be cool when 3D printing will be fully mainstream, but right now, the amount of tinkering, testing, failing and testing again does not fit your concept. A normal consumer will only tolerate a failed print only so many times. And I don't think you can do magic. After a model has been sliced, it has to be inspected and a good deal of knowledge about FDM is needed in order to guess if a print will be successful. Except when you print really simple geometric objects - but how much fun is that? Connecting a printer to the cloud might be useful, but looking at the 3D printer development - sonner or later every major printer manufacturer would want to do the same and would render your project useless. Makerbot already ships printers with cameras and I guess (hope!) Ultimaker won't take long to realize that remote mangagement is very useful (at least the emergency stop which can save you house is a must have). I am not sure about your target audience. Those skilled enough will use OctoPrint and have no problems with slicer settings. And the others either don't have a 3D printer or don't care about cloud slicing. Sorry for the harsh words. It is just honest feedback.
  7. I guess the Ultimakers were meant to get style points in the avant-garde area. The entire set looked dope and lazy but not in a good way :/ Pitty that the UM's didn't print something. Would have been very cool if they've just finished printing bubbles (or something else fitting) just as the song was over and MIA could have grabbed it of the heated bed.
  8. Don't worry. You can't golf and print at the same time. We'll see who will be crying or throwing a golf club at everyone in the vicinity
  9. Ich weiss nicht wie es bei den anderen war, aber bei mir kam dieser Fehler auch nach einiger Zeit. Mein UM2 ist zwei Monate alt. Probiert mal die aktuellste Firmware-Version - Cura 14.05. Vielleicht kommt dieser Fehler nicht mehr.
  10. You have no idea what dirty deeds I am willing to do for a fast internet connection... My ISP even called me once and told me they had 50mbit available at my address. Turned out they had the wrong address :(
  11. Haul your ass (and the rest of the Ultimaker team) to somewhere in Europe, and you'll get the chance to meet the Ultimaker Community
  12. Nice view. Quite some trees there. The crazy thing is, my former apartment is only 200m (beeline) away and I had 50mbit there :/
  13. Not the same here (16GB RAM on a Retina Macbook Pro) but I have a very very slow internet connection 4mbit :( And it won't get better because this rural region isn't very high up on the DSL distribution list... On the bright side, if I walk for a minute or two, I can see endless green fields and cows and horses. Let's hope they don't eat internet cables...
  14. Hehe, ok: 1. Druckbett instabil (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5218-bed-leveling-trouble-um2). 2. Undichte Oberflächen (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5375-top-layers-not-touching-um2/). 3. Underextrusion (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3976-almost-always-missing-layers-underextruding/?p=50659'>http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3976-almost-always-missing-layers-underextruding/?p=50659'>http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3976-almost-always-missing-layers-underextruding/?p=50659'>http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3976-almost-always-missing-layers-underextruding/?p=50659). 4. Temperaturfühler Probleme (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3976-almost-always-missing-layers-underextruding/?p=50659).
  15. Man I wish Faberdashery would ship to Germany for less than a spool's worth I ordered filament samples from nearly every color they got and it really is the best filament I used so far.
  16. Hi Jungs, kurze Rückmeldung von mir. gr5 hat ja auch einen Link zu meinen Video gepostet. Ich habe auch das gleiche Problem, nur dass bei mir auch das Druckbett erheblich wackelt. Bitte prüft das mal bei euch. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5218-bed-leveling-trouble-um2/?p=49660 Ansonsten ist die Montageanleitung vom UM2 erhältlich. Wer mutig genug ist, kann ja die Abdeckung mit dem "Ultimaker 2" Schriftzug, hinten beim Druckbett abmontieren und schauen ob dort Schrauben locker sind. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf Ich habe es nicht abbekommen aber ich habe mittlerweile auch so viele Probleme mit dem UM2 gesammelt dass ich lieber den ganzen Drucker austauschen lassen will. Grüße Stefan
  17. Hi Zeov89, I have the same issue with an Ultimaker 2 (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5375-top-layers-not-touching-um2/). Check your belt tension, especially for the short belts.
  18. Would you vote if I add a nice picture of one of them?
  19. OMG! You are creating limited edition "R line" feeders and you don't inform your fans? Robert, I am disappoint.
  20. @Ian: I am recruiting the cheerleaders then...
  21. Modified the poll (added travel distance question).
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