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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. Ahh screw work, there goes my concentration. Thank you Ian... I was too admiring the... core strength... of that hideous lady...
  2. Wow cory3s, the wood stain looks awesome! How did you do it? Brand? Imagine the artistic gifts one could print with this...
  3. Hm, with the propane torch I'd fear to melt the metal. Bras (yellow) has a melting point of 930° and my lil' propane torch can go up to 1400°. I used it very carefully and only for a short time but that could have had the effect to not burn everything out.
  4. I find the idea cool too. But still, what about taking the plate out after every print and re-leveling the bed. Not sure if it is worth the trouble.
  5. Hey guys, Since Ultimaker won't be able/willing to host a convention, it is pointless collect suggestions about the event. I started this thread for two reasons. First to raise awareness about the convention and gauge interest. And second because I hoped Ultimaker would jump on it and take over with an official event. So far 44 people have voted and if I were Ultimaker I wouldn't host the event either. Maybe we should resurrect this thread next year when they have enough resources. At the very least, the inception about a cool Ultimaker convention has been planted. Let it do its thing now
  6. Oh sorry, I didn't spot you in the list of voters. By the way, your avatar/profile doesn't feature the red "team ultimaker" badge. Do you want to keep a low profile?
  7. Wow, these look pretty good! I could give it a try with Meshmixer if you like. I don't claim to be a pro, but with such a poorly documented tool, nobody is
  8. Hey Ian, gema & youtube sucks. Check out the ProxTube (https://proxtube.com/).
  9. The video had it all [x] Drugs [x] Hot chicks [x] Firearms [x] Quadcopters [x] 3D Printers [x] Even more drugs...
  10. I am still waiting for someone from UM to weigh in and comment on it. Maybe they are already preparing it and we are just ruining all the fun.
  11. Thanks man. If I'd said "I am looking forward to it" - I know the bromance talk would start again and then I'd get nervous and would have to look at hot ladies on the web just to cool off
  12. There's no difference between the cloud and a server somewhere else. It is just that with some big companies you *might* have a better chance to protect your server because they can roll out the big guns. But your specific problem is not related to a server type but rather to the fact that you goods are on the server. And if somebody hacks into it, then it is game over. That's why I had the idea to put the assets somewhere else. A server without public access. Then from your frontend server fetch assets when needed from the asset server. You could then monitor the traffic between the two servers and rais alarm if something fishy happens (like too many photos accessed at once). I am sure there are tools out there that do this because creating such a system on your own is quite a task.
  13. You do realize that most people here (if not all) have their own printers to print a iPhone case?
  14. Chrisp you should definitely contact AaronAlai about the glasses. He already designed and printed his own glasses and also found a way to have to lenses attached professionally.
  15. The problem with .htaccess or similar techniques is that if your server/hosting package is compromised, somebody would be able to download the entire site. You could create/buy a system where only the previews are stored on the server and the originals are fetched from another server in the background only when needed. But why not add your photos to istockphoto.com or similar services? I guess with so many rare and high quality photos, you could strike a good deal and maybe earn more than through (yet unknown) site.
  16. No new votes? Why? Guys, gals - please vote. I'd sooo love to meet you all and the Ultimaker team!
  17. Guys... don't let these opportunities slip too often. You might regret it and no cool tech in the world will be able to fill the void (sad panda speaking from experience).
  18. Shell thickness dictates how many outer shells your object will have. Since the Ultimaker 2 has a 0.4mm nozzle, you should always chose a multiple of that value. So 0.8mm means two outer shells. Meshmixer is great for supports. Check out illuminarti's blog post - link. Those dangling bits between two walls is due to "stringing". When the nozzle is done with the left arm for example, and moves to the torso, it retracts a bit of filament so it won't ooze too much on the way to the torso. Depending on the print temperature and speed, you'd get more or less stringing. I'd say, at 20mm/s, you can pretty much print at the lowes temperature possible for the filament (PLA maybe 185° - 190°). Temperature vs. speed is the stuff for nightmares - because one seems to never get the combination juuuust right
  19. Hey Valcrow, good idea. I have an ultrasonic cleaner too. Next time I get a hardcore clog, I'll try it.
  20. You applied quite a bit glue for the lil' robot. For the next print, add just a few strokes with the gluestick and use a wet paper towel to smear the glue on the plate until you have a transparent, thin film. Also change the bed temperature from 75° (default and way too hot) to 60°. UM2 Menu -> Materials -> Settings -> Bed Temperature -> Store as preset -> Back -> PLA. You can also create two additional filament presets. If you do, they will be called "Custom1" and "Custom2". And another tip. You can twist the object clockwise or the other way around while tilting it slightly to the side. Then it should pop off the bed.
  21. Hi, I did experience warping only twice. Sadly I don't have any pictures of these parts. But other thant that, warping is pretty much not an issue any more. If I apply a bit of glue(stick) and dillute it a bit with a wet paper towel and set the heated bed to 65°, then every object sticks like crazy and there is never warping involved. With my two warped prints I had forgotten to either apply glue or the heated bed temp was too low.
  22. @LeoDDC: Check out gr5's answer http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5597-um2-partially-clogged-nozzle/?p=50149 about a clogged nozzle.
  23. Wow, is it really that good? How about long, thin objects? Do you have to use brim?
  24. I asked because the hot air might soften the holder when you use the ventilation system. Direct sun light might be a problem too.
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