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Posts posted by cez_etc

  1. Das wäre super, aber da wir Mitte Oktober für den ersten Ulti-evening anpeilen, klappt das wahrscheinlich nicht rechtzeitig. Aber für spätere Veranstaltungen gerne!

    Ich habe auch einen http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6854-planning-an-ulti-evening-in-germany/ im Event-Forum eröffnet und werde mich bemühen, beide Threads etwa gleich aktuell zu halten.

    Zum Thema Zeitplan: Momentan ist das Ziel/die Hoffnung bis Mitte Oktober das Event auf die Beine zu stellen, d.h. bis Mitte September sollten wichtige Fragen wie Wo? und Wann? geklärt sein, damit alle ausreichend Zeit haben sich um die Anreise/Übernachtung zu kümmern. Das klingt erstmal nach viel Zeit, ist es aber gar nicht. Deswegen würde ich bis Ende nächster Woche noch Vorschläge für Veranstaltungsorte entgegennehmen und dann mit der konkreteren Planung beginnen.

    Falls euch später noch super Orte einfallen, könnt ihr sie trotzdem gern posten, denn es wird hoffentlich nicht bei einem Ulti-evening bleiben! Ich fände es nicht schlecht, den Veranstaltungsort immer mal zu wechseln, um möglichst vielen Leuten die Chance zu geben teilzunehmen.


  2. Oh, Overhangs, die sauber zu drucken ist sehr schwierig. Versuche mal das Teil mit 20mm/s, also sehr langsam zu drucken, das sollte helfen.

    Ich würde ansonsten versuchen, das Teil "auf den Rücken" gedreht zu drucken, also mit der längsten Seite nach unten und dann unter den Haken eine Supportstruktur. Damit würden auf jeden Fall die Einkerbungen sauber gedruckt werden.


  3. [This is a summary, not a literal translation of the German thread found here. Feel free to respond in either thread, I'll try to keep both updated.]


    How about a Ulti-evening in Germany? An evening at a FabLab with drinks, food, hacking time and a talk? Maybe even the chance to buy some spare parts? Sounds awesome? That's what I think, too and that's why I'm getting involved to make this happen!

    Since I have quite a lot of experience organizing events I talked to Sander who organizes the Dutch Ulti-evenings and it's a go!

    BTW: If you are Belgian and want to get involved, talk to Blizz who's helping to organize the Belgian edition.

    What we need now is a place to host the event. Ulti-evenings are held at FabLabs and therefore we are looking for a centrally located, easy-to-reach FabLab in Germany that uses Ultimakers. The FabLab would benefit from having people over and we wouldn't have to look for a room with enough power plugs for all the Ultimakers :smile:

    Hosting a the event at a FabLab would also take care of a lot of peculiar German problems like GEMA fees, permits, taxes and insurances, basically a lot of red tape... (PM me if you want to hear stories of bureaucratic horror.)

    From my research I found three FabLab that might be suitable candidates, in Mannheim, Munich, and Dresden, and Nicolinux just suggested Wiesbaden (near Frankfurt) in the German thread but maybe


    know just the right FabLab or are even a member at the most amazing FabLab in Germany?

    Ian claimed in the German thread that there are "a lot of American and British guys living in Bavaria who would be interested"- I hope this is true!

    Edited to clear up some mangled sentences.


  4. Thanks for pinning, Ian! I'll write an English post as well.

    Die Idee ist erstmal das Ganze in einem FabLab zu veranstalten, um die Organisation zu vereinfachen. Sonst muss man sich mit so Sachen wie GEMA, Veranstaltungsgenehmigungen und steuerlichen Fragen rumschlagen, was den Aufwand massiv erhöht. Und sich darum nicht zu kümmern ist meiner (schmerzhaften) Erfahrung nach keine Option. Zudem spart das einiges an Kosten für Raummiete, Strom etc..

    Mir ist es wichtig, erstmal mit einem Event anzufangen und dann das große Usertreffen im zweiten Schritt anzugehen, wenn sich die Ulti-Evenings funktioniert haben. Aber ein großes Usertreffen ist definitiv auch etwas, was ich machen möchte!

    Das Problem mit Berlin ist, dass es dort kein FabLab gibt, das Ultimaker verwendet.

    Attraktor in Hamburg hat nur RepRaps und Makerbots, allerdings scheint dort auch jemand einen Ultimaker zu haben, denn im Wiki sind auch Ultimaker-Prints zu sehen.

    So weit ich recherchiert habe, gibt es in München ein Fab Lab mit Ultimakern, ebenso in Dresden. Außerdem hat das RaumZeitLabor (evt. kennt einer von euch deren Podcast?) in Mannheim Ultimaker.

    Sander ist es wichtig, dass der Ort zentral liegt, deswegen kommt Dresden leider erstmal nicht in Frage- es gibt wohl deutlich weniger polnische/tschechische User als deutsche.

    In Sachen Termin ist sicherlich ein Samstag sehr gut, damit alle entspannt anreisen können.


  5. I've never printed bio-goop but I've worked on microfluidic projects where we continuously pumped very small amounts of fluids (that whole lab-on-a-chip thing).

    From that experience: Nothing comes even close to the precision of glass syringes. And they are much easier to clean than the plastic ones. They are expensive but worth every penny unless one of the lab members is extremely clumsy and keeps dropping them. Not that this ever happened :-P

    We also used high-precision pumps with a RS232 interface that had very little delay. The pumps were controlled by a LabView program which also recorded various sensor data.

    Anyway, really interested to read more about your research!


  6. I have a piece of Ultimaker news! I'm organizing the first German Ulti-evening! Yes, it's finally happening!!! (I do feel this needs more exclamation marks.)

    If you speak German, see my thread http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6836-ulti-evening-in-deutschland-fablabs-gesucht/.

    I also finally bought some Faberdashery filament and I might be in love with the robot silver one. It's so gorgeous! Currently printing Robert's labyrinth box as a wedding gift (well, there will be some money inside, too... mustn't print that, unfortunately).

    And I realized after buying a food processor that my apartment is slowly taken over by robots, just how I like it :-)


  7. [English thread: Click here!]

    Hallo zusammen!

    Tausendmal angesprochen, bisher nie umgesetzt: Ultimaker-User-Treffen...

    ...bis jetzt!!!

    Da mir dieses Thema sehr am Herzen liegt und ich einiges an Erfahrung mit Event-Organisation habe, habe ich mit SandervG von Ultimaker, dem Organisator der niederländischen Ulti-Evenings gesprochen und werde mich darum kümmern, dass so ein Event auch in Deutschland stattfindet!

    Was ist ein Ulti-Evening? Ein Ultimaker-Event in einem FabLab zum User-Austausch mit einem interessanten Vortrag und mehr (wenn es klappt z.B. Ersatzteil-Verkauf vor Ort). Schaut mal im hier der Thread vom letzten Ulti-Evening mit einem Vortrag über Schokoladen-Druck).

    Das größte Problem dabei ist einen geeigneten Ort zu finden: Ideal wäre ein Ultimaker-FabLab in einer großen Stadt, die möglichst zentral gelegen bzw. gut erreichbar ist.

    Deswegen hier mein Aufruf: Kennt ihr ein geeignetes FabLab?

    Ein paar Ideen habe ich schon, aber vielleicht sind eure ja besser.

    Edit: Added the link to the English thread./Link zum englischen Thread ergänzt.


  8. Here's my last attempt before I ran out of material :sad: I hoped my order would arrive before the end of the month but it didn't (to be honest, I only ordered it a few days ago.)

    I used BioFila Linen which is easy to sand and prints very smoothly. Because the material is softer than PLA I used the standard retraction settings in Cura 14.07. I found using more aggressive retraction settings only leads to grinding.

    The biggest challenge was to get the material to stick to the build plate. I had very much underestimated this problem and instead spent the month trying to figure out the best bridging settings. To get this very uneven bracelet to stick to the build plate, I tried Brim (not enough), Cura supports (ugly bottom surface) and several types of Meshmixer support. I should have spent more time with this and I'm not satisfied with the results.

    I made several attempts with other materials and still want to try a few more things but I haven't had the time yet and I wanted to post this before the of the month (technically, it's already August in my timezone).

    Yeah, and then I forgot to check the bed leveling, causing the first layer not to stick and this happened:

    MPC July14 1


    The orientation of the print was optimized by Meshmixer.


    However, the print finished and after the minimal sanding it didn't look half bad:

    MPC July14 2

    More sanding would definitely improve the overall look but I'm too tired for this tonight and I believe that I can get a better print with different settings anyway.


    But if you look closer and see both the broken bit and support structure I couldn't get off:

    MPC July14 3

    I printed with 30mm/s and 190°C (accidently, I wanted 180°C but put in the wrong temperature) but I believe that 20mm/s and a lower temperature improves the quality greatly but I didn't have the time and patience for that.


  9. I'm afraid that I didn't managed to print one. I tried one but it didn't stick to the build plate and got ruined :(

    As it turns out, it was too complicated for me :( I'm still tweaking the printer


    Yeah, making it stick to the build plate is much harder than printing these overhangs. Just adding brim in Cura isn't enough, you need some kind of support structure. I found a great setting for the overhangs (and I hope I get around writing that up over the weekend) but I'm still unhappy with my support structures.


  10. Oh Aaron, I'm glad you're feeling better! Don't feel bad about not posting here, the important thing is that you got your terrible situation sorted out!

    I think it's best to both set a new print challenge for August (so the monthly rhythm is kept) and keep this challenge open a little bit longer for voting because I don't really that many votes so far. Also, I'd love to hear people's strategies, especially the one mnis used!

    My last attempt is printing right now, I'll definitely post later today.

    My vote for August:

    Print Vote: A Better Dragon (I've never done such a long print, excited to try!)


  11. I just remembered that all versions newer than 2.1 crashed when I tried to import something until I manually copied the missing file into the correct folder. If it crashes and you get some cryptic message (file XY not found...), try finding that file in an older version of Meshmixer and copying it. Worked for me.

    ETA: Unfortunately, I can't remember which file that was, I installed the lastest version more than 2 months ago.


  12. Well, there's a well-hidden menu in Meshmixer for modifying surfaces. You can bring it up by selecting "Sculpt" on the left hand side and then pressing "3" on your keyboard (pressing "2" makes it disappear again). BUT this only works well if your model has a fairly high number of polygons, otherwise the results are a bit confusing. (Disclaimer: They might be really confusing anyway.)


  13. I'd love to get involved with organizing an event in Germany. I have significant experience in organizing events but I don't have any personal connections to Ultimaker fab labs (I only know Makerbot and RepRap people unfortunately).

    But I wouldn't mind emailing/calling/whatever all kinds of people if you give me some more information on the type of event you're looking for.


  14. If I have the Filabot, next project will be a shredder. I am curious how recycled bottles print...


    Re: printing recycled bottles

    IIRC from a talk at FabCon PET is an extremely tricky printing material and one of the NGOs (either Techfortrade or Better Future Factory) involved in recycling projects actually gave up on 3D printing PET and developed an low-tech injecting moulding process instead.

    However, PP works quite well.


  15. Gerade bei Freunden und Verwandten, die vielleicht nicht so technikaffin sind, ist der Aufwand ein druckbares Modell zu erzeugen höher als jegliche Betriebskosten. :wink:

    Aber ähnlich wie bei anderen Technikproblemen ("Die Datei ist weg! Mach, dass die wieder da ist! Ja, ne, weiß nicht mehr genau wie die hieß, aber die war immer in diesem Ordner, bestimmt!") ist der leider schwer mit Geld zu beziffern...


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