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Posts posted by cez_etc

  1. Die wichtigsten Parameter sind Temperatur, Geschwindigkeit und Schichtdicke. Um die Qualität zu erhöhen, teste mal bei 50 mm/s zu drucken.

    Wegen der Drucktemperatur: Auf deiner Filament-Rolle sollte irgendwo ein weißer Sticker mit den empfohlenen Temperaturen sein. Auf meinem Ultimate Blue (das allerdings vom Dezember ist, evt. ist deins aus einem anderen Batch) steht 190°C-260°C, ich drucke das immer bei 230°-240°C, darunter fließt es einfach nicht so gut. Die optimale Temperatur schwankt stark zwischen den verschiedenen Sorten, Ultimaker Bronze drucke ich z.B. immer bei 195°C, andere Sorten bei 210°C. Hier hilft nur Ausprobieren.

    Meiner Meinung nach ist es bei diesem Modell nicht sinnvoll, zwischen Inner und Outer Speed zu differenzieren. Dafür unterschiedliche Werte zu verwenden, lohnt sich nur, wenn du ein großes Objekt weniger als 100% Infill druckst und zum Zeitsparen das Innere schneller druckst, z.B. bei einer großen Figur mit 20% infill, wo man das schlechter gedruckte Innere später nicht sieht.

    Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob du wirklich mit Brim drucken musst, versuch es mal ohne, das Objekt sollte auch so gut auf dem Druckbett haften.

    Und natürlich hat auch die Temperatur deines Druckbettes einen Einfluss auf die Qualität, aber dazu kann ich dir leider nichts sagen, weil ich kein Heizbett habe.


  2. Das heißt, die Probleme sind erst nach dem Einbau des Bettes aufgetreten? Vorher hat alles funktioniert? Dann würde ich in der Tat auf ein Software-seitiges Problem tippen.

    Mich erinnert es ein wenig an diesen Thread (auch wenn es da um die z-Achse ging): http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4128-um1-z-axis-is-12-of-original-height-solved/?p=33710 Uberprüf mal, ob die Steps/mm in der Firmware richtig eingestellt sind und ob die Jumper auf dem Board richtig gesetzt sind.


  3. Meinst du dieses Modell https://www.youmagine.com/designs/double-heart-voronoi-pendant--2? Gut wäre es, wenn du Bilder von deinen bisherigen Versuchen machen könntest, dann könnte man sehen, was noch zu optimieren ist.

    Besser als die Standard-Einstellungen ist es, in Cura (oder benutzt du ein anderes Programm?) die Full Settings zu benutzen (Menü "Expert" -> "Switch to Full Settings"). Print Speed 100% ist leider wenig aussagekräftig, besser ist die Angabe 50mm/s (oder 30mm/s oder was auch immer).

    Wichtig ist auch die Temperatur, bei der du druckst. Meiner Erfahrung nach muss Ultimate Blue bei relativ hohen Temperaturen gedruckt werden, die besten Druckergebnisse hatte ich bei Temperaturen zwischen 230°C und 240°C (je nach Geschwindigkeit, bei niedrigeren Geschwindigkeiten reichen auch niedrigere Temperaturen).



  4. Bitte setze das Album mit deinen Bildern auf "Public Album", denn momentan kriege ich nur "You do not have permission to view this image" angezeigt, wenn ich darauf klicke. Und die kleine Ansicht in deinem Post ist leider zu klein, um genaueres erkennen zu können.

    Ich würde auch die Pulleys überprüfen (hast du die schwarzen kleinen Schrauben gegen die beigelegten silberen ausgetauscht?) und checken, ob die kurzen Motor-Riemen an der Gehäusewand scheuern.

  5. Kleine Anmerkung: Du brauchst die Einstellungen für den 1. Layer nicht in Tweak At Z zu spezifieren, das sind ja deine "normalen" Einstellungen in Cura (also die Einstellungen in den Basic/Advanced Tabs).

    Du brauchst Tweak At Z-Einstellungen nicht extra speichern, wenn sie unter "enabled plugins" aufgeführt sind, dann berechnet Cura sie mit ein.

    Ansonsten guck dir mal den G-Code an bzw. poste ihn hier, daraus sollte ersichtlich sein, was der Drucker in den ersten Schichten macht.

  6. Hahahaha, Skint, I think I know just the right sport for you. It's an annual event called Bierathlon (beerathlon in English, lol) and consists of hiking/running up a mountain while drinking beer. A team of four people has to drink a crate of beer (20 0.5l bottles) before crossing the finish line. Unsurprisingly, this was invented by university students and has become very popular. There are usually 200+ teams participating. I know people who graduated in 2005 who still come back to participate. Doing it once was enough for me but it is a lot of fun.

  7. It seems that ColorFabb recently changed their XT formula, resulting in a higher printing temperature.

    From the ColorFabb website (XT Tips &Tricks):


    Adviced 3d printing temperature:

    240-260C (XT filament produced before 7th februari can be printed at 220 - 240C)


    Adviced 3d print speed:

    40 - 70 mm/s


    Advised Heated bed

    60-70C (XT filament produced before 7th februari can be printed on a cold bed)


    Build platform

    For our latest release of XT (production date Februari 2014) we advice to print on a heated bed. If you’re using aluminum of glass as the build plate we advice using glue stick to make sure the first layer sticks well and keeps the part from warping. After printing, the build plate needs to cool down to about 20-30 C at which point you can remove the printed part.

  8. Well, I agree that you wouldn't have to move around a kilogram of pellets, just the amount needed for the part you're printing. But there's still the heavier head due to the turning screw, larger heat element and added motor. Even though the picture in the article is just a generic diagram of a filament extruder, the final design needs to contain these parts.

    And how would you do retractions?

    There's definitely one very good application of this type of printer and that is for using flexible materials. That just doesn't work so well at the moment. Not surprisingly a lot of the things already printed with their prototype are flexible.

    Another thought on the materials: I'm all for enabling people to use a greater variety of materials and I'm thinking of buying my own little filament extruder to experiment BUT I strongly believe that the future of 3D printing doesn't mean using the materials currently used for injection moulding as shown in the video. Instead new materials need to be developed specifically for 3D printing, especially regarding safe processing (fumes!).

    Just because you can use pellets doesn't mean you can use any kind of plastic for printing. Someone at Fabcon (either from Perpetual Plastics Project or Techfortrade) talked about trying to set up a PET printing project in Africa only to find that PET has terrible properties for 3D printing and developing a low-tech injection moulding technique instead.



  9. Most prominent new feature: You can now send your files directly to a 3D printing service and get cost estimates. This might not be the most important feature for Ultimaker users but it's certainly great for modelers. (More details in this http://blog.123dapp.com/2014/05/meshmixer-2-4-collect-the-gold-silver-and-bronze, written by someone who enjoys playing Pokemon.)

    I've been using Meshmixer quite a lot recently, not only for generating support as described in http://www.extrudable.me/2013/12/28/meshmixer-2-0-best-newcomer-in-a-supporting-role/ but also creating models.

    Thanks to the

    I discovered there's a setting in the preferences to flip z-y on import/export. This solved my greatest annoyance with Meshmixer. Previously you had to flip models 90° because the default orientation in Meshmixer is different than in all the other programs (or at the ones I use).

    I wholeheartedly recommend the tutorials, if only to watch someone sculpting a headless bunny with bat wings or an equally scary goose-bunny hybrid.

    Download it at either http://www.123dapp.com/meshmixer or the awesomely old-school looking website http://www.meshmixer.com/


  10. Oh, I wanted to write about this, too! I really need to take some photos of my sample prints.

    Regarding nozzle clogs: They told me at Fabcon that you shouldn't print slower than 20 mm/s. Otherwise there shouldn't be any problems. I haven't had any problems with clogging so far, however, I found that you need to preheat the nozzle for a bit before printing.

    There's also a really interesting aspect of BioFila Linen that the printed surface becomes coarser when printed at 210°C and above. It's smooth at 200°C and becomes coarse at 210°C. It's like the difference between glazed and unglazed ceramics. I'm currently designing some objects that make good use of this.

    Another amazing quality of this material is that the surface looks good even after sanding. With PLA often enough you can tell where a part was sanded because it looks dull.

    Anyway (in case you didn't notice :-P ), I'm super excited about the material!

    Oh, and the BioFila silk prints look soooo smooth!


  11. What version of Cura are you using? Mac? Windows? I'm using Cura 14.03 on Windows and saving files as .stl works fine for me. Click save file... and then enter the file name INCLUDING the correct file ending (e.g. myfile.stl). If you just enter the file name without an ending specified, Cura will save it as .amf.

    But if this doesn't solve your problem, maybe just use an older version of Cura? All the old versions are still available for download: http://software.ultimaker.com/?show=all


  12. I'm really interested how they solve the problem of having a very heavy extruder head. I don't think you could move it around anymore (or at least not as quickly). I guess you'd have the head in a fixed position and move the table in x,y and z.

    The http://3dprintcanalhouse.com/ people use the same idea, however, they're printing at such a large scale that they couldn't possibly use standard filament roles anyway.


  13. You can search the German trademark database for free at the official website of the German patent office.

    https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/Uebersicht (there's even an English version!)


    Doing a "https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/marke/register/305771000/DE).

    In case you want to talk to the Springer people, please keep in mind that there are two completely different publishers named Springer in Germany. There's the aforementioned Axel Springer SE as well as the Springer Verlag that publishes scientific journals and books. The Springer Verlag people are the ones holding the trademark.


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