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Posts posted by deepshots

  1. I've had an UM2 for half a year now and generally everything has gone smooth. Lately, however, I've been getting very hairy prints... yes... hairy...

    All my printed parts are full of little hairs and fluff. Not just the normal spikes you get every now and then where the head is lifting. But tiny tiny hairy fluff in the colour of the filament. Most of the hairs are attached to the prints but lots of it also ends up falling on the build plate. After printing I need to have extensive hair removal sessions... cutting.. rubbing... washing... and it is getting worse.

    I've tried with different filaments... different colours... materials.. PLA..XT... Always the same

    Any ideas?


  2. I was impressed about the Colourfabb XT polyester stuff... Got some samples with me. According the guys on the stand it is as tough as ABS but without any shrinkage and on top of all that it does not smell and is food safe. Nice! I will try my sample filaments asap.


  3. Good show all in all.

    I was bit unimpressed about the mancunians on the UM stand. They didn't really seem to know what they were talking about... And nobody with any knowledge were present.

    Do yourself a favor Ultimaker and make sure next time you hire people who know something about the field they are supposedly there to represent and not just any "northern" gobshite.

    On a positive note... So many UM2s on the other non related stands also. Makerbots not that visible generally :-)

  4. I'm just wondering how thick layers you could print with UM2? Especially when working some bigger objects I would like to make quick and rough prints at first to see how they works etc...

    Can I print thicker layers than 0.2? And if yes how much thicker? Has anyone tried?


  5. The Billingsgate area is completely zombie-apocalypse-deserted during the weekend and boring. Most of the Pubs serve the city crowd and are closed Saturday. They are rammed weekdays from about 4-8 and empty after that once the suits have gone.

    To find anything I'd recommend a hop over the river to the Borough Market area. Lots of cool pubs here, my favourite being the The Market Porter :)


  6. Pretty much since I have had my UM2 I've suffered from slight under-extrusion in the layers just after the bottom layer. This is usually worst in the 3rd layer when the fans fully kick in.

    I print PLA with 0.1mm layer with slightly slower speeds. 210C for nozzle and 60C for bed. Otherwise standard settings.

    My parts are usually mechanical with tight restrictions on the outer diameter so I don't level the bed super close to avoid the first layer gain/squeeze. I still get nice solid and flat first layer though.

    I have 0.6mm bottom/top and 0.3mm initial layer so my printer does 4 layers before starting infill. The layers 2-3 are usually the worst... the fill ends up being bit like webbing and you can see that the two ply walls are not perfect either. By the 4th and 5th layer everything is proper solid already. Looking at the final piece from side you can see this also as a little indent before the things clear up. Generally I'm happy with the overall results.

    I would not be too fuzzed but the first couple layers are actually the most crucial for my designs as that's where my gear teething are supposed to mesh. I've read the Visual Ultimaker Troubleshooting Guide by 3DVerkstan

    Any ideas how could I further improve my second and third layers?



  7. Yes... that is why I'm only talking about brims and skirts.. not actual support material for overhangs. That's a completely different story of course.

    Especially when I print something tall and kinda thin I usually include nice wide base to the export as I have had cases where the printer head has knocked over the prints... typically in the later layers.


  8. I think you might just be expecting little bit too much... Especially the second picture looks fine to me. I don't think you'll ever be able to make perfectly even prints with current home 3D printing technology. I've learned to be realistic and live with the uneven surfaces. My customers haven't so far complained....

    PS.. the shiny black always looks the worse... this is why I print in bright colours where the little faults are not showing :)


  9. I'd imagine if it is just a bunch of surfaces it would be impossible to print. You would need at least a closed polysurface of some sort to print it (and no naked edges)

    I've never tried meshmixer... maybe you could extrude the polygons somehow there... but in a CAD package generally the mesh is just an end result of the actual model... sort of like extracted from the working model for STL export reasons.

    Solidworks is bloody expensive so I don't think you'd have that laying about.

    Take measurements carefully and redraw in Sketchup... That's what I would do if you don't want to pay through your nose. Many 3D printing companies can also assist with dodgy files...


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