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Everything posted by lbeentjes

  1. Blender is also pretty easy to learn. And it has a build-in STL in/exporter.
  2. Yea, I did notice the tape lifts. Ill try something's. Isn't there anything else I can use to print on? Because you go through the tape pretty fast. Like hairspray as adhesive? Thanks for the help btw
  3. I got a UM1 so no heated bed. How can I get more support?
  4. The print came out pretty nice when I did it upside down. Only problem is because of heat(?) the print warped a bit and now it doesn't fit on the phone. Is there a way to fix that?
  5. But then the print will drop down no? Im trying to print it upside down with support material, see how that works out.
  6. I designed a iphone case with a logo plus names for someone. The logo itself comes out fine. But there names are not that great at the bottom layer. Because its the botomlayer the filament of the letter comes out a bit spread. But at the top layer it looks fine. Any idea how i can make the bottomlayer letters look better? Maybe raft work better? I dont really want to change font.
  7. I want to get Faberdashery aswell but i cant find a store in The Netherlands who sells that brand.
  8. Im from the Netherlands. Ill update my profile.
  9. You should be able to select the other part just by clicking on it. And then you able to rotate/move it. Be sure your in normal view not layerview or something.
  10. Have anyone made a print with the ultimaker pearl white? Because i want white PLA but the normal white is in backorder. If someone can post a picture of a print made with that filament, that would be great.
  11. I tried printing a iphone case. But when it was finished it missed a support wall. I dont know if its a mistake in CURA or the model itself, but in cura layerview it also doesnt show that it will not print there. Only the last 2 layers it will print leaving some flying PLA. This is the model im trying to print: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:51533
  12. I uploaded different pictures.The thing is that it is supposed to be a round object but the dome seems caved in or something. Layerview also shows it will print completely round. but it doesn't as you can see.
  13. Its 5cm across, 3 cm high infill is 20% On a UM1
  14. Printed in PLA layerheight 0.1 Shell 0.8 temp 220 50 mms
  15. So ive been printing some stuff with my new printer. It goes pretty good. But i noticed that my prints have a weird layer. Kinda hard to explain, look at the pictures. What causes this?
  16. Ok, so thanks to your help i managed to print it good this time. Thanks!
  17. I have an UM1. I tightend the pulleys not the belts. One thing i also did was upgrade the Marlin firmware. That might be important?
  18. today when i was printing i noticed my prints where leaning. I googled some stuff and found oud i need to tighten the pullys. I did that but now its only worse. How can i fix this?
  19. My hotend is leaking filament. http://imgur.com/wmbGZNJ at the botom side too. Is there a way to fix that?
  20. finnaly got everything right, then i saw this. http://imgur.com/wmbGZNJ how could this happen? I cleaned it and it seems it stopped leaking. Guess im back to printing.
  21. While i was printing i was gonna watch some tv but when i check if all is good i saw this. http://imgur.com/DaYwLCY How can i prevent this?
  22. http://imgur.com/ehp6tgY I did it like this.
  23. Awesome. i used a screw and a bolt to tighten it. Printing my first print . Thnx for your help.
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