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Posts posted by bob-hepple

  1. Sorry for the time taken to put pics up but I made the mistake of changing the colour of pal in my printer and things have not been the same since I am struggling with quality of print not just these two pics but others. I didn't expect such a change in printing I usually print at 190 but things have not worked well I am using colour fab PLA how hear are the two pics not very good really even the internal quality is not that good..


    White 2

    as you can see this Oozing lark is getting really annoying I get a better surface finish with Cura I also think that dimensionally Cura is more accurate I wonder if the Extrusion rate in s3s is set to high (105%)


  2. Thanks for that I will check them out I have spoken to form reseller in the uk (again) I don't think it's good really they don't list the printer on there web sight no prices no information and a three week lead time, I'm still waiting for the sample. Apparently I'm close to the top of there waiting list as I am "persistent and consistent" don't know if that's a compliment or not?.

    Will look at your suggestion later I am not interested in clear but flexible could be interesting as form labs just released some.

  3. Mm

    Well I tried the ooze and wipe (set at .8mm) and it sort of worked but the problem I'm having is that I think at a certain point of the print there are a lot of retract rs and there's no way around that I think the pressure build up in the the nozzle and it oozes a lot, will post a couple of pics later but definitely reducing the temp worked but I think I get a better finish with Cura MARGINLY the print is still crap really, no s3d 's fault though.

  4. Hi 3D Case

    sorry I have no picture I dont explain my self very well as I said when you set multiple stages up say 1 to three when the first if finished and starts the second the head went to start position and dumped material through the last layer it just had printed SO I deleted the scripts in the second and third and that worked BUT it still injects a small amount of material,

    as for retraction / blobs I too find it difficult I switched materias from gold pla to whit pla and printed at 210 I had loads of blobs from the nozzle oozing so I reduced the temp down to 190 which is where I used to print increased retract dist up to 5.0 and wipe dist to .80 with retract speed at 2300 fans on at 50% and this helped me . I also trying the ooze rate 90 and minimum retract to 1.0 layer height im using at moment is .10 on a four hr print if I can will post a picture when its done.

    I really like S3d I am doing a print that I think will never be succefull but other prints whee theres multiple parts I think the software is excellent just wish oozzing could be sorted.



  5. I'm using s3d and set up three steps in my file to print different res and time and temp settings but when it's finished the first stage it goes to the beginning of the second and dumps pla into the model it is like it is starting all over again any ideas how to stop this it must be a simple setting but where.

    On the first stage it has the same setting where it purges material I thought of deleting all scripts from the second and third stage?.

    Also how do I find the exact location of this code. The g code is not numbered is if it's on line 900 how do I find it.

  6. I am Disappointed to hear that about the Supports I thought there would be something to hold it back BUT I have tried to get information from the Sales Office in the UK and at the moment I am being Fobbed Off with they can't open the file then they can then Ill be put on a waiting list and a sample of my design sent to me, in turn which means i'm on a waiting list. Thats very vague and its even more strange is they don't have my delivery address, I said earlier the fly in the ointment might be there support (no Pun Intended) but if you can't speak with the sales and they don't seem bothered in returning e-mails and phone calls you can't get very far. in a word DISAPPOINTED.


  7. I downloaded there software which looks ok depends on how it works out. The item above at 0.10 resolution is being quoted at 2-45 min, now that's fine it only goes up by 30 mins if I put supports everywhere that's still faster than I can get now 2-50 with simply35 and in cura with supports 5hrs I have problems with the print I also have to take some of the internals out as they won't print at all, horizontal holes accurately need to be positiond, if the printer will do that as well I think it's a purchase soon. I have not had any replies from the uk sales office, that might be the lweek link little to no support...

  8. Solid

    I seen this machine at London 3d print show originally I have looked into the company and they do get a good rep, I have read a few review of the printer and they are all good, from my point of view I am wanting to know print time as the printer resolutions I think starts at 100 microns any goes down to 20 microns at this level of detail the time has to go up and I would expect sharply, I have sent my file to them for a quotation on time (top picture) I have downloaded there software and will be looking at this later today,

    if you are interested i will post the times when I get a reply,

    I am finding it difficult to talk to the company it is only via email but I am seriously thinking of getting a machine, like seriously. I use My Um2 in my workshop that is in the house and a thought of +1 smelling the house out is a little concerning though..




  9. Hi all

    my next project I am wanting to print wood I have seen some threads on Colour Fabs Wood fill and there web pages say (fine) had anyone used Fillamentums Timber Fill??

    whichever is the best do you all recommend I change the extruder Nozzle from 0.4 to what Ive seen is .80?? if so Ill order one from Um. Is the nozzle easy to change???

    Help and advise before I screw my machine up welcome...



  10. Skint & pm_Dude

    thanks for your input yes I have tried printing this flat strait down, when I was using Cura it wanted to put supports everywhere and put the print time up to 10hrs, so I persevered with it flat on the deck and used Simplify3d which has the time down to 2-45min granted there is problem but i think I am going to try iRoberts suggestion of changing the profile i am still gonna print on heated bed at 60 and the print temp was 190 and 200 with fans on full layer ht is .10 and .20, I have had all these setting before it will be the profile change I think that will make the difference, the technology is not quiet there yet the design called for a rad but the print limitations can't do it so design changes.

    Pm Dud I agreed the brim is in the way i only used it to make sure that everything was primed and ready to go if the brim was not printing correctly I aborted.

    Don't mind you tying just don't know how to get the file to you..

    Thanks again for your input I am trying to get a demo of the Stereo printer and check that time = overhang issues are not too bad I am looking at the Formlabs +1 printer at the moment but they are not that good at answering questions its like they don't want the sale.

    after this is over Im looking also at using wood file for another project and I'm wandering if the UM2 will cope with that..



  11. iRobert

    thank you for taking the time to input your thoughts I will try your suggestion and modify the drawing I found this to be a positive input. .

    Do you think I should leave the bed heated or not I have tried both but with no better results. Just some say turn bed off and print on tape, I know its a bit naff but as an experiment I printed on heated bed 60deg and then covered the bed where the over hang was to reduce the uplift of heat and with an extra fan on it.

    Fan Unit







  12. Hi All

    some of the post Ive put up have to do with 1 print and 1 print only I attended the London print show and spoke to one of the Um Gurus, I showed him my print and I still can't get it right, I changed software (sm3d) and the same problem shows up leading me to question my choice of Technologies. I have been looking around and have come up with Stereolithography Printer's has anyone got any experience with these if i can't get the deign right on this project, my next one has no chance as it will be a very fine mesh printed over a sphere which I think will need a Dissolvable support, which is not available on Um2 (obviously) which would be very useful on my current design project too.

    Any how have al ook below and give me all your thoughts good and bad please..


    Screen Print

    look at the bend Im sure this is not being closed

    look at the print



  13. 3dMaker 4U

    sorry forgot to answer some of your points layer height a slight increase 1.2 to 1.5 from 0.10 is not a little increase or am I missing your point. I thought the parameter i was using was hopefully better than the result but the print before had no problems except the usual one which is in the 3 rd pick called stringing. hence as I said the move to Sm3d. I take your points about covering the bed I did have a 3rd fan going at the same time 1st pic top left you can just see awhile funnel channelling the air...

    Thanks for your reply.


  14. Hi all

    thanks for your input I am using std Um PLA I went low to 180 to try and reduce setting time for the over hang the resolution was set to 0.1 as a previous print at .15 the over hang issue reduced look at 3rd pic with arrow saying stringing this was done via Cura and everyone told me to use supports. Now dura would not let me just supports in where I wanted them so I went to Sm3D the first print was promising setting to 0.15 so I went to 0.1 the curios bit is that the stringing in pic 3 reduced a lot but left me with this problem.

    Mnis thank you for the added speed / temps I will try in a few days.. I am also thinking is it possibly the PLA as two prints don't come out the same even on the same setups...


  15. I have posted problems with this print before but this one is a new problem. Has anyone any idea what is causing the de formed suface finish it is ruff to the touch the inside is fine I Placed a pice of paper over the bed to stop heat rising and causing other problems. I have also installed a different fan cowl

    Fan Unit


    The print was done via Simplify 3d as I have put supports in where Cura would not let me. the resolution was 0.1 the print bed was set to 60 and a print temp of 180 was set at a speed of 25-30 (Cura equivalent) Print time 6 hrs


    Surface 1


    when you look close the layer is slightly open in places


    Surface 2


    could this be Under Extrusion


    I posted question about surface finish before

    problem shown


    when attending Print show in London the Um2 Tech Guys thought this was down to heat off the bed and recommended using no heated bed and print on tape I tried this but the print quality was not good so decided to try blocking the heat from the bed using a ??better cooling cowl and an extra fan mounted onto point down at the print..


    Any Help Appreciated


  16. Daid

    im struggling with s3d in your code does lines

    G92 E-???

    G1 F??? E0

    G92 E-???

    G1 F??? E0


    prime the extruder


    I read a thread and increased the std setting setting to 20mm but when the machine is just started 1st print this doesn't work unless I move material in the console on the machine (UM2)


    im struggling with the setup the bed goes down as the the extruder drops it prime and then theres a mess and the print starts a mess


    any help appreciated




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  17. Hi

    I have purchased S3d on the hope it would help me print something Cura is not been helpful with.

    I have managed to get a print but its not reliable I have read threads in this forum and I alter some lines to give me 20mm of material.

    I have two problems

    1. I cannot get the start procedure for the UM2 as it goes in cura, in Cura it primes and expels the material out and then the head moves to the side and the material drapes over the bed and trails it,and then a print. But in s3d it drops the material when the bed is coming up moves to position and then might print while I'm trying to scrape away the material which might come out or not????

    2. the prime is not guaranteed if the machine is switched on from cold and i print it doesn't the material does not come out. if I stop the machine and manually move the material then its fine it will print..

    what settings should i use . I'ma at default at moment except moving the material 25mm instead of the std 8mm


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