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Posts posted by bagel-orb

  1. If a (part of a) layer is too thin to be printed at the 0.3mm layer height it will print it at the normal 0.15mm layer height.

    I don't have any problems with Infill Layer Thickness here on the master branch, though... I have infill printed every other layer for the most part of my angled cube.

  2. Hmm. It should work better when you have the gray regions as part of the 1 mesh for white and the 1 mesh for black. If you keep just 2 meshes there will be less boundaries on the inside of the mesh.

    If you use my method to model the gray region as a separate mesh you will get wall lines between the gray and the white or black regions. That's a waste of material.

  3. You don't need to cut the model into layers, Cura already automatically does that for you by default!

    Just load the part where you want to alternate color twice and set one instance to the one nozzle and the other instance to the other nozzle.

    Make sure Remove Mesh Intersection and Alternate Mesh Removal are both enabled and also verify that Top Layers and Bottom Layers are even numbers to prevent them becoming solid. Verify these settings for both nozzles.

    Here's what the layer view looks like for a model similar to https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1421443

    The eyes are in both colors.


    • Like 2
  4. IMO the translucent nozzle representation may be smaller, or even just a simple line, to block less of the model.


    I totally agree. That thing is way too large and has way too much detail. It should just be a cone which points at the location in the layer.

    For feedrate visualization the color scheme goes to orange rather than red, which results in intermediate colors of poo-brown, which I dislike.

    It would be really nice to have (target) temperature visualization - especially for dual extrusion. And fan speed visualization would be nice as well.

    As for the rest I love the new layer view options.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi, I'm BagelOrb a.k.a. the engine guy a.k.a. Tim a.k.a. that dude with the beard which is better than that of SandervG.

    I work on the inner workings of the slicing engine which actually generates the gcode from the 3D model data. This requires a lot of knowledge of both hardware and firmware and of course of Cura itself.

    In the next couple of years I will be researching slicing advanced geometry which goes beyond the scope of an STL: texture information, infill density heatmaps and similar 3-dimensionally defined data which cannot be captured in a surface mesh alone.

    In my free time I like turtles.

    • Like 9
  6. Looks nice,

    Is there a easy document that describes how to install everything to try this?

    There's not really an easy documentation. Currently you can only run it by compiling the feature_texture_processing_rebased_newer branch of CuraEngine yourself and running it directly from the command line.

    Here's an example CuraEngine call:

    ./texture_processing_build/CuraEngine slice -v -j /home/t.kuipers/Development/Cura/resources/definitions/ultimaker3.def.json -o "output/rhino_good.gcode" -s center_object=1 -s mesh_rotation_matrix="[[1,0,0],[0,0,-1],[0,1,0]]" -s mesh_position_z=-.1 -s infill_line_distance=2 -s infill_pattern=cubic -s gradual_infill_steps=3 -s gradual_infill_step_height=4.8 -s top_layers=8 -s bottom_layers=2 -s wall_line_count=3 -s bump_map_alternate=1 -s bump_map_enabled=1 -s bump_map_texture_color=grey -s bump_map_point_dist=.05 -s bump_map_offset=0.1 -l "/home/t.kuipers/Documents/3D_models/obj/rhino/RhinoBust_textured.obj" -s bump_map_amplitude=-0.08 -s bump_map_face_angle_correction=-95 -e1 -s machine_nozzle_offset_x=17.885 -s machine_nozzle_offset_y=0.02 -l "/home/t.kuipers/Documents/3D_models/obj/rhino/RhinoBust_textured.obj" -s bump_map_amplitude=0.08 -s bump_map_face_angle_correction=95

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