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Posts posted by bagel-orb

  1. Actually, your model is 1.5 walls thick, since walls are printed on all sides. The one outer wall is present on both outsides. 1.5 is not a whole number and there lies the problem. It will try to print 2 walls in some locations and reduce the difference using overlap compensation, or it will try to print one and fill in the gap using Fill Gaps Between Walls.


    You'll have less rounding problems if you make your model 2.3mm wide or change your line width settings to 0.81mm.


    We're working on preventing those rounding errors, but it is a lot more difficult than you might suspect. Hopefully we'll have a release in a couple of months or so which prevents the rounding error.

  2. There's not really a way to do that. You'll just have to live with the build plate being visualized in the wrong location.


    You can still use the same amount of area on the build plate as when your nozzle would have been on the left.

  3. I stand corrected.


    The advanced way is to load the model twice, merge them, ctrl click one, mirror it upside down, use the second one (ctrl click) as modifier mesh for the first one and deselect Modify Infill Only. Then pull down the group halfway below the build plate and you got yourself a nice label without the text extending out of the label.

  4. Indeed those are made using the Pause at height post processing script. Before unpausing you can change the material via the menu.


    With a dual extruder like the S5 you would want to maybe print the background and text within the same height, so that the text doesn't protrude. However it is not really possible to split up objects like that. To be fair it is possible, but that is such a big detour that it would be easier for you to just generate the label yourself in the first place. I know OpenScad can automate something like this pretty easily.

  5. But that just mean that everything is already printed more to the right than Cura thinks it will be.


    It's just a visualization issue, the actual gcode will already be printed more toward the right, even though it looks in Cura liker it will be printed more on the left side of the bed.

  6. I think your results look pretty good. Perhaps it's better to first get a hang of printing with PLA for a beginner.


    Printing TPU is difficult. Because retracting and unretracting takes time the nozzle can leak during that time. You might think you need to reduce that time and so increase the retraction speed. However, TPU can be slippery and fast movement might cause slippage.


    Retraction is performed because during extrusion you require a certain amount of pressure in the system in order for material to exit the system. That pressure is achieved by putting more material in the system. For flexible material you need to feed a lot more material to increase that pressure. To release that pressure you need to have a larger retraction distance, but increasing the retraction distance also increases the time it takes and so it increases the defects which occur during that time.

    TL;DR: increase retraction distance (at the cost of other defects)

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