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Everything posted by paul9

  1. If I follow this procedure and install the firmware then how can I change the parameters ESTEP and others to solve my problems? https://ultimaker.com/en/community/11474-tinker-firmware
  2. Thanks! but Can you explain better how to do just about the best solution you have proposed to me at the end. As I say extrusion of 100mm? And then how to increase the value found the error?
  3. I have inserted the SD card, and I clicked on the press to make changes to ESTEP. The problem of under-extrusion remains.
  4. Also I would like to understand what software to use to interface with the firmware, to change the parameters, each speaks of different software, which one to use? Which one to use for my Ultimaker2?
  5. OK Thanks! But you have a page which explains directly for a Ultimaker2? Which describes step by step how to do it on a Ultimaker2 Because there are many search results in google but no shows how to make specifically on a ultimaker2.
  6. I'm using the nozzles of 1.75 mm. I will modifcato the ESTEP like you said to me. I inserted the file on the SD card and then from the printer display or clicked printing.
  7. I have trouble understanding the English spoken. If it was written I could translate and understand.
  8. They are always under-extrusion, there is never enough nell'hotend material during the printing process.
  9. How to improve print quality while avoiding the under-extrusion? I converted my Ultimaker2 to the filaments from 1,75mm because it is easier to find them and more because they are available in very different materials that it is impossible to obtain with the filaments from 2,85mm, filaments that now almost no printers Production of business uses. The problem is that I always have so little material in hotend my prints are under-extrusion. How can I solve this problem?
  10. Hi guys! Continuing to make printing tests, problems still arise under-extrusion despite having changed the ESTEP adequately. What it is known that there is always a little material that flows, should push more wire in the extruder so that there is this lack of material during the printing steps. Can anyone help me solve!
  11. These have replaced them by buying the kit for filaments from 1,75mm and PTFE and everything they needed directly from 3DSolex.
  12. After changing the value of the feeder ESTEP the underextrusion problems have decreased a lot, almost gone. I am left with the question of what values set for retraction during printing. Why now do not go out of acceptable prints, too wires, length values and speed of retraction is not adequate. Who can help me.
  13. Perfect! Thank you! I have done as you say, I put the file in the SD card and then I did print! But I launched a print and still have underextrusion. I increased the material flow up to 120% and now goes well, I think I still have to improve ESTEP. How did you calculate the ESTEP?
  14. Thank you! I wanted to know from you because you too have made the conversion to the filaments from 1,75mm how you solved the feeder, because I have big problems of underextrusion, now I hope to solve with this latest update.
  15. It does not explain how to use the software to update the firmware.
  16. I open Pronterface, Connect with USB cable to the printer and then how can I load the file that I created before? What are the procedures to be followed with pronterface?
  17. I realized that I need more speed of the feeder, I need the thread nell'hotend push more quickly for that reason I underextrusion I helped I manually pushing the wire while the feeder was in action and saw that the stream was fine , what I could do because it was the first tier one who adheres to the print flat and I already saw a lot sottoestrusione while in the corners where there was need less material I had no problem.
  18. OK. But then again I opened CURA and loaded like a normal print. It is correct what I did?
  19. I open CURA and load as I normally do with a press of a stl files? Did I get it right? But I'll have to do every time or do now will not have to do it again?
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