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Everything posted by paul9

  1. Do any of you have the stl files of this component so that you can do to accomplish with a lathe machine? Also you believe that it is useful to be replaced instead of the spring and the olsson block from 1,75mm?
  2. Then I hope I will warn you when it's available the new bowen tube?
  3. Because the filaments from 1,75mm are available in many more colors and in many more materials such as, ceramic, marble, concrete, brick and so continuing, all the companies producing filaments now tend to only produce filaments by 1,75mm, indeed begin with those from 1,75mm and then if you should make even those from 2,85mm. In addition all new printers produced in recent years only use filaments from 1,75mm. it is always easier to buy and also Quon price filaments from 1,75mm and not from 2,85mm.
  4. Who can write to the links of the best solution adopted to convert the fedeer of Ultimaker2 from 2.85mm to one of 1,75mm? I need to know all the steps to make changes, but only the solutions tried and tested and working 100%.
  5. I decided to convert my UM2 with olsson block from 1,75mm what is the best way to advise me to follow to change the feeder tube and bowen?
  6. I decided to convert my UM2 with olsson block from 1,75mm what is the best way to advise me to follow to change the feeder tube and bowen?
  7. hello I am Paolo from Italy. I want to upgrade my UM2 to 1.75mm filament. please is there someone with this experience?"
  8. Prova con la ONE della LISAP S.p.A.
  9. On https://www.igo3d.com I did not find any kit filaments 1,75mm
  10. because for the original you can convert and instead to UM2 UM2 and + is not possible?
  11. You can send the link to make the same change that you did?
  12. Ciao Sergio, prova ad usare una buona lacca di qualità al posto della colla stick. Inoltre il piatto di stampa portalo a 55 gradi e non di più. Ciao
  13. it is increasingly difficult to find particular type filaments to brick or marble or concrete or any other type of color that is different from the standard ones to the size of 2.85mm because Ultimaker continues to insist with the filaments from 2.85mm? Why did not alter the upgrate to UM2 + this too? In all the shops we do not find anything but filament 1,75mm all manufacturers design printers filaments from 1,75mm. Have any of you found an interesting solution to this problem of filament diameter.
  14. We are 600 hours of printing almost all made with PLA. In fact, the main problem it is to under extrusion. According to you may depend on the coupler?
  15. Hi, do you think this coupler must be replaced?
  16. Ciao, quindi in questo modo è possibile cambiare l'ugello da 0.25 e poi rimettere quello da 0.4 in pochi secondi? Basta svitarlo e riavvitare il sostituto in funzione di quello che si deve stampare?
  17. The model in the picture. It has small holes from 0.5mm and is of a total size of 1 cm.
  18. Hello, I would like to print a very small object, but did not succeed. I wonder if you can do it with the Ultimaker2 hotend 0.4?
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