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    Ultimaker 2 (Ext
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  1. Hello! Over the past couple of weeks, 3 of my 6 printers (Ultimaker 2+) have developed a new issue. Whenever I start a new print, the printer makes a very loud sound for a second and skips several belt teeth before the print head begins to move. Additionally, when the printers are idle, it takes considerable force to move the print head by hand from the home position, but only in one direction (from the back of the printer toward me). It seems like it's semi-stuck in the home position, but only in that one direction. After manually moving it from the home position, the movement is smooth along all axes. Otherwise, the machines print just fine. What can I try to resolve this issue when I’m back in my studio tomorrow? Tightening the belts is my first thought (all belts were replaced about 6 months ago). If that doesn’t solve it, what else should I try? Thank you.
  2. Hello! One of the side fans on my U2+ is dying. It has a black sticker with "Ultimaker" written on it and the part number DF0301012BM-501. Please see the attached picture. I would like to replace it. DF0301012BM-501 does not yield many search results. I am wondering what I should be searching for to buy it in Europe. Thanks!
  3. Thank you @Vandrasc and @Slashee_the_Cow for your answers. I took a look at Travel settings and sure enough the value for Retraction Minimum Travel changed from 0.8mm in 5.5.0 to 5.0mm in 5.7. Changed it back to 0.8mm, printed a few of test layers and the issue seems to be completely solved. So most likely just oozing of material during travel moves because of no retraction. Before (5.0mm): After (0.8mm): Thanks again!
  4. Good morning! I would attach a project file, but these STLs are procedurally generated with millions of triangles and are absolutely huge. Same printing profile and files in 5.5.0 and 5.7. First, 5.5.0 -- how it should look. How it looks when using 5.7. 1. As indicated by the red circles, these lines are randomly added to perhaps every second or third object on the build plate. Why do they appear? Layer view attached below. 2. (Minor) As indicated by the purple circle, Cura no longer retracts after printing the skirt, resulting in a line being printed. I would appreciate any insight.
  5. Oh, I was not aware of it. Anyway, as I mentioned originally, it is just a default UM2+ profile 'Normal' that ships with Cura. That's on purpose, so as not to introduce new variables, since my printing profiles are heavily modified. As I mentioned previously, I have been trying to crack this for almost two years, printing models like this in the thousands every month. I will make sure to post a solution if I find one, in case anyone Googles this thread in the future. I will try offsetting walls at a specific height using the 'cutting edge' modifier next, so it affects only specific layers. It's convoluted and unnecessarily complicated, but it might work.
  6. P.P.S. <Tries to record a video, fails.> Here is a zoomed-in screenshot, an orthographic view. This represents one of the top layers, printed in a single line, not aligned with where an inner wall should be.
  7. @Slashee_the_Cow Thank you for taking the time to record the video. Yes, it does look just fine from the top-down view, slightly zoomed out. However, to replicate the issue, all I need to do is slice the project, export G-code, load the G-code back into Cura, and zoom in to the problematic area. I have attached a screenshot. Both the inner and outer skin walls are offset inside by a small amount. It also prints this way, so it's not just a display issue. P.S. It looks better when I slice the project file; however, the actual printed result is more similar to the one I get by loading the exported G-code back into Cura. You can see the difference in the screenshots in the first post of this thread.
  8. Thank you, I have reported it on GitHub. Also, I realize that my reply and additional question yesterday might have sounded a bit convoluted, so here is a visual aid. Currently, Cura slices this file similarly to the image on the left. I wonder if there is a combination of settings that would force it to slice more like the picture on the right, preserving the geometry of the 'inner' wall at the expense of the 'outer' one.
  9. Thank you @Slashee_the_Cow for your input. Unfortunately, using all of these settings, either on their own or in combination with one another, did not lead to a solution. As you correctly predicted, I was only able to adjust the problematic area up or down along the model. I prepare hundreds of small models like these for printing every week and have been searching for a solution to this problem ever since the Arachne was released, so it's been almost 2 years now. I've tried all major slicers on the market, and they all seem to have issues with printing thin lines. However, the situation is definitely better than it was pre-Arachne. Anyway, I just hope that in a year or two, a new Cura release will magically solve this 😄 While waiting for that, I wonder if anyone would have an idea of how to somewhat adjust the slicing behavior so that the inside wall would be smoother, even at the expense of the outer wall? Essentially, 'align' the walls at the problematic area to the inside of the model so that it is smooth there, while the outside wall becomes even more rough. I wouldn't really mind that.
  10. Hello! I've created a small slanted circular object to illustrate the issue. The project file is attached. To minimize variables, I am using the default profile (UM2+ / PLA) that Cura ships with. In the first screenshot, you can see surface irregularities where the object becomes thin enough to be printed only using skin lines, where the infill no longer fits. Another 'band' is noticeable where the perimeter generator switches to a single line of deposited filament. If I export the G-code and load it back into Cura, the issue becomes much more pronounced. When I print the file, the actual result in terms of wall smoothness is somewhere in between these two screenshots. I can definitely feel these 'bands' or 'ridges' with my finger. I would greatly appreciate any insight into this. Both the STL and project files are attached. Thank you. test.stl UM2_test.3mf
  11. Just changed the material display color to gray, good suggestion, thanks. 😄 😄 😄 Makes sense. I'm sure I'll find a way to fix it one way or the other. Thanks for your help.
  12. Hello! Newest Cura build. Goal for initial layer is to have 2 skin walls for every model on the build plate, only 1 skin wall for other layers. Am I correct assuming that there is no option to outright achieve this? My workaround was to model 0.2 mm tall cube, stretch it out in X and Y, so it covers entire build plate and and use it as 'cutting mesh' with 'Extra Skin Wall Count' set to 1. This way it only changes this setting for the initial layer for all the objects on the build plate. It is a bit cumbersome, also introduces a few issues. First one, it somehow messes 'Regular Fan Speed at Height'; fans hit full speed at layer 2 instead of layer 6 as set in my settings. Second, I have to stare a yellow rectangle all day long 🙂 (screenshot attached). Models are also yellow in Cura, so sometimes they are hard to see. Can I somehow make this 'cutting mesh' model transparent or invisible?
  13. There is only one line in the start G-code, default Cura settings (screenshot attached). I suppose I should add G1 command before the already existing single line of G-code? edit: I guess pre-print priming stuff is done by printer firmware, since there's not much going on in start G-code section.
  14. Apologies, I could have explained what I'm attempting to do more clearly. I have a fleet of old Ultimaker 2+ printers and currently use the latest version of Cura. When I start the print, the printer heats the nozzle in the bottom left corner and extrudes a small amount of filament into the air before printing the skirt. I wish to adjust it to extrude a larger amount of filament in the air, perhaps for an additional five seconds, so that it deposits a poop-shaped pile of filament in that corner. Simplify3D does this, but I'm unsure how to replicate it in Cura.
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