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3D Prints
3D Print posted by LesHall
Small Shelf unit featuring pillars.
Here is a display shelf for small 3D printed objects. I decided to spend less time creating art and engineering type objects (still a lot of that) and more time creating functional items with an attractive presentation like this columned shelf unit.
At only 125mm wide, it is best suited for small to medium sized objects, short ones on the bottom shelf and room for taller ones on the top shelf. The back of each shelf plate has a 90 degree bend for accepting some of that putty that is used to stick posters and what-not to the walls. My hope is that this putty will be strong enough to hold the shelf with items displayed on it, and I think that will be the case.
The pillar / column design is recalled from several flashes of imagery that came to my mind recently, so my personal take is that this is divine inspiration. My take on that is we all get these epiphanies that are meant to communicate something to us and it is best to focus on them to try to discern the meaning of the imagery. 3D printing provides those of us who can't draw with a very good way of expressing what we've seen so others can share what they know about the object.
Les try to figure it out!
AVA's Gear Toy 2b
This is an upgrade of the "2" revision that has several improvements, mostly in size and proportion. Just in time for printing this holiday season, it soared up to second place among my prints, just above the "2" version and below my water purifier design. Nice!
SeaMoss Cat
Created by cerberus333, this print looks beautiful, especially when placed in the Ultimaker.= 2+ that I have. It's like a magic photo booth, the printer, and the 600 um layers (from 0.8 mm nozzle) give it that "Yes I am a 3D print" look with intentionally viewable layers!
Combat Robot for Spaceship Marine Roleplay Game
This robot is intended to be 25 mm tall and printed in quantity for a game called Spaceship Marine, designed by a neighbor of my Friend Ixmal in London. I have decided to take on the task of making game pieces for them on my Ultmaker.
The main photo shows a 2.25 times (larger print) model, with Cura generated supports and while removing the support, both of the arms snapped. So obviously I need to beef up the arms, and also I wonder if the support is too hefty for small models. I am left with one question though - does the sturdiness of the support vary with print size? I'm thinking that I need to adjust some parameters to tone it down? I'm going to try using my own supports next.
DnD Monster
This monster for DnD games is a challenge to battle. It was created by a Hindu god to guard treasure and as such it is often wearing and ingesting precious items, much like a gelatinous cube. It flails to attack with its squishy tentacles and spews acidic blood at you.
Printed small about 25 to 50 cm this is a DnD gaming piece. In larger sizes close to Ultimaker 2+ max sizeof 200mm or so, it is a functional jewelry tree as well.
Inductive Coil
This is an inductive coil that is 3D printed. The first one is ordinary PLA in aqua translucent from Atomic Filament. I have some Functionalize Graphene as well as some Proto-pasta conductive PLA for printing more of them. I did not want to waste the more expensive filaments on a test run for printability and separation potential.
I am happy to report that the coil printed and separated flawlessly. Don't ya just love a quality 3D printer?
Next I will design a core for the magnetic iron hollow cylinder shape. It will have a negative of the coil such that it keeps the turns separate.
3D Motivational Message
This is my second attempt at conveying some biblical message in 3D form. Usually we have the standard 2D technique in which an inspirational image is chosen and text is overlaid on top of it. It stands to reason that we can make 3D versions of these and I imagine many exist as created in ceramic or plastic or metal.
My intent here is to come up with a set of 3D printable files that can be passed out to various churches and charities for either 3D printing or otherwise constructing so that they can include them as rewards for fundraising or for service to the people in some way.
This example has a little twist to it. Someone notices it on your desk so you tell them there is text on the bottom. Then when thy read the text ("Faith can move mountains") at that moment you mention that they had to move the mountain to read the text!
It is this kind of interaction physically with the 3D object is rare or difficult in 2D form, yet quite doable in 3D form. Look for more of this kind of thing from my workshop.
Les make some stuff!
Jingle Machine
This is a work in progress. It rings jingle bells. You know, the round jingly kind with a metal ball inside often sewn to all manner of items to make jingling sounds. The idea here is to play tunes with the jingle bells and make a fun display item for the holidays that believe it or not are rapidly approaching!
I decided last December to celebrate Christmas all year round and what better way to ring in the season than with a 3D printed Jingle Machine! It spins well using all Adafruit electronics and stepper motor, (and Jameco motor driver chip).
There is a funny story which is that when I added the 12V input to boost the torque and speed (it was quite slow and weak at 5V, which I guess is why Adafruit sells it as a 12V motor), I connected the +12V power to a data pin. The board actually emitted a small puffof smoke! And like an idiot I did it twice! Two puffs of smoke! And don't you know it that adafruit and Jameco equipment still worked! The only thing I had to do was change the Metro Mini microprocessor output to another pin and now it works like a charm!
So anyway all's well that ends well and I have the thing plugged into the wall transformer and spinning nicely. Feels great to combine my various skills together and make something more than just 3D trinkets!
Oh, and the red bottom motor housing and original gears were printed on my old Printrbot Metal Simple. The green stuff was printed on the Ultimaker 2+.
Vibrational Instrument
Please see three angles of my item plus one image of the item that inspired me.. I know, what I did kinda pales by comparison, but fear not - I am just getting started. My buddy can cast it into metal for $100. The idea is you clamp a contact mic (the Korg model $15 is the one I'm looking at) and then you stroke it with a violin bow ($17 at Amazon with rosin). and send the contact mic output to a mixer ($50 at Amazon) which sends it over USB to the software (ChucK) that will enhance the sound and send it to the speakers.
So yeah, it's an $80 price tag on gear to run this rig. Still, it's nice because it should produce some exotic sound due to it's unique design. Also many other shapes are possible. Have to stay within a six inch box for the metal pours though. The one shown is in an 8 inch box (the ultimaker) so it must be a touch smaller. Still, a wide variety of designs are possible. This simple one is just for starters.
Finger Potentiometer
This fancy gizmo should really be called a Finger Rheostat because it acts like a variable resistor. You print the object in a base of PLA and an upper overhanging layer of Proto-Pasta electrically conductive PLA. Then you install it in a circuit squeeze and / or push it's coils around and they short together in such a way as to lower the resistance of the object. I used one to make a VCO and it works great!
Pink Gears for lady Steampunk Photo frame Decoration!
I cannot sell stuff for various reasons, so I realized a few days ago that there is nothing wrong with making and stockpiling goods for sale later. To that end I began designing and kranking out these gears. I happened to have hot pink (magenta) on the spool so I thought lady's gears would be kewl for starters.
The smaller ones have weak small diameter shafts that tend to snap but the larger ones are tuff enuff. The axle of each has an inward taper at 45 degrees, an axle rising vertically, and an outer taper at 45 degrees. The vertical segment is of zero length on most how it worked out without realizing it. I will have to redesign the smaller ones for strength. This type of axle is a conversation starter because it is easily made with a 3D printer and difficult to make otherwise.
These gears are intended to be paired with a future design effort of an articulated arm. I enjoy robotic arms and have struggled with the motor and controls of them, not really being happy with my attempts at design. So it dawned on me to make a non-motorized arm. The picture frame can mount on the end of the print-in-place arm and maybe up to three arms can fit in a base that gets weighted down or clamped to a table. In this way the photos are very uniquely presented and the user and/or guest viewer can enjoy moving them about with robotic precision, all Steampunk-ish in the way it interacts and just is so kewl.
That is for the future though, for now I am just beginning with the gears!
Single Nozzle Circuit Board Assembly Drawing
Single Nozzle Circuit Board Assembly Drawing
finally after about two days of OpenSCAD and printing, here is a desktop organizer with a greco-roman theme. Why do desktop organizers have to be so smooth and devoid of theme or features? I want dragons on my desk! Maybe hobbits and jet airplanes and ray guns and ant colonies! And columns for starters! This is just a frame with no bottoms so I think it's suitable for larger items like mail or cologne or toothpaste and toothbrushes, somesuch. Needs glue and maybe paint (maybe not). KInda boxy for an out-of-box thinker to create lol!
Les be nimble,
Les be quick,
Les jump over
The candle stick!
I credit the Lord Jesus Christ for all things I do because I know I could do nothing without Him. In fact, it is my personal belief that all of my insights and ideas originate from Him.
This hand tool / machine duplicates prints and other simple objects in wax, clay, and other soft materials. You attach a print with glue stick or double sided tape or other adherent to one gear / platform and the working material to the other. then you operate the tool arm, cutting away as needed while turning the gear and following with the tool arm.
I named this thing after the Florida Gators, the University of Florida mascot because it's my sister's alma mater.
I have developed a fascination with hand-operated machines since becoming a 3D printing enthusiast two and a half years ago, and now I am finally making my first machine. This design has too much play, so next thing to do is reduce the play in the tool arm, mostly by widening the hinge i believe.
DupliGator revision 2
Same as rev 1 but better engineered plus name on connecting rod part. enjoy!
WOW MOM Plaque
What does a 3D print enthusiast give his or her Mom for Mother's Day? Why, a 3D print of his own design of course! And plenty of extras for her to pass out to the moms in our personal collection of loved ones.
This plaque is symmetrical and seems to spell out many elusive words and graphics, and few people "get it" right away! For a graphical relief I put the same thing on top and bottom. I printed at 80mm/s and the prints are (mainly) flawless. This Ultimaker 2+ is a truly amazing printer!
Les make it happen!
Warp Bubble Hood Ornament
The story behind these two objects is actually a wandering chain of events that I will not bore you to tears chronicling, just suffice to say I was frreely image surfing and ended up learning a bit about art deco hood ornaments. Shown in the photo are two prints, the first one on the left and the second "better" one on the right, which I suggest are the first two in a series of hood ornaments.
What I learned about hood ornaments is that in the 1920s to 1950s, different themes were in style, all of them streaked back kto indicate speed of the vehicle. in the 1920's it was women as the theme, up to the 50's which was jet airplanes as the theme.
So I got to thinking !what does fast mean today" and I ended up with "spacecraft" most notably the technology that is currently being debated by physicists, faster than light travel, or warp drive. Surely THAT is fast! So the two designs are themed on a shhip in a warp bubble. Actually it's not a bubble in the theory, it's more of a wave of mass-energy equivalence , positive behind the ship and negative in front of it, I think. Not that I understand it, I just think it's super cool.
I think the designs are too static, not really indicative of swept-back speed as most of the Art Deco hood ornaments were, but perhaps thy make up for it in theme.
"Two weeks to Alpha Centauri - who's on board?!"
Make history!
Thrombic Aortae Monsters
An as yet unknown Hindu god created these merciless beings to guard treasure troves in dungeons! It thwacks you with it's flailing arms and spews poisonous blood at you! Better attacked from a distance, this monster tends to wear jewelry and contain gems, gold, silver, and fine items.