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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext
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  1. Hi all, I'm currently upgrading my um2 motherboard to duet 2 WiFi and was wondering if the ultimaker 2 firmware had any limitations due to the CPU e.g. acceleration. I was thinking instead of just replicating the exact setup within the duet firmware, I could improve the configuration due to a better CPU. I know I have seen something somewhere onsite talking about the axis can stutter if all are moving at the same time and ??? is set to high. Luke
  2. Thanks yyh1002. I run some tests and between 2.70 and 3.50 @25mm/s is perfect depending on material
  3. I also asked Aliexpress seller SANJIUPrinter 3D Research Center Store and he managed to source the insulator. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000192534992.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.1e76454cuxyrYf
  4. Hey, all I managed to get aliexpress REPRAP store to get the PI Hotend Insulator product for me, the even used your photo Alexjx until they can take a fresh one. you can now purchase on aliexpress which I find better than taobao. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000190893355.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.29283c00n8Usky&mp=1
  5. Great thank you for the photos, so hard to get hold of. Aliexpress contacts I have made have asked for photos
  6. Wow great, thank you Tinkergnome 🙂 nice and simple just the way I like it
  7. Hey all, My hotend heater blew the other day and since then no matter what I change multiple times temperature sensors or heaters (30w,35w and 40W) with base pid settings for each watt the autotune always fails by over shooting over 20c. I have tried all suggestions on the forums for pid, but there is a consistent overshoot speed. I think my mosfet might be damaged, so I want to build a firmware using heater and temperature device 2 as default. If it is the mosfet at least I can use the 2nd connection as a redundancy so I don't have to buy a new control board. Can anyone advice the source code reverences need to be changed? and would this just be in the Configuration or Configuration_adv as well? Luke
  8. nevermind figured it out, only need to swap two wires round motor side pins 3 and 4
  9. Hi all, I'm trying to wire up a replacement nema 17 motor, where voltage amps etc are fine. its just the wire config is different. I have checked the control board schematics, but can't figure out which is -a -b see below 1=1b 2=1a 3=2a 4=2b Can anyone tell me which is which please? im trying to rewire an e3d with the following motor config 1=A 3=B 4=-A 6=-B Luke
  10. Correction for above Cura flavor RepRap and simplify3d RepRap code fails for same setup of stl's. only UltiGCode works on SDCARD. usb printing via simplify3d works fine or if I remove g1 commands from start script
  11. Hey guys, I'm trying to understand why a combination of Ultimaker 2 extended and Simplify3d causes out of print area with my custom area settings only on SDCARD, if you could give any pointers it would be appreciated. I have also noted this only happens in simplify3d, cura etc are fine. I have found if I use any G1 command for XY axis in the start script it will cause the error only on SDCARD, removed it works fine in Simplify3d or print from usb I do have a custom print area setup due to metal sliders and e3d mount: Ultimaker 2 extended custom 1.75 e3d mount and metal sliders Firmware: Tinker 17.02.01, others tested Print Area: x 0.00-205.00 Y 10.5 - 218.00 Z305.00 Software: Simplify3d 3.1.1 Testing start script: " G1 X xx and Y xx commands fail" G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off G28 X0 Y0 G28 Z0 G1 X15 ; tested x15 50 60 G1 Z50.0 F500 G92 E0 ; zero the extruded length G1 F150 E25 ;extrude 9mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length agai M201 Z250 Luke
  12. Hi All, What should I check when the extruder starts clicking from 37% into print everytime, it seems to happen when it get to a certain layer height. the first set of layers are perfect around 3mm. Luke
  13. Hi Guys, I'm finally building an ulimaker 2 extended + after getting the parts over the last 6 months. Now its taken 2 days just to get the case right and realise the ultimaker 2 build guide there are differences, dyslexia and bulding a 3d printer dont mix :-( is there a knack to hooking sliderblock belts to the oppsite shaft pullys? iv tried but I cant push the shaft towards the other side of the frame and already popped one of the bearings out from the panel. are there any videos todo this? i'm a very visual person. Best Regards Luke
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