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Posts posted by flyntm

  1. I've recently started using Fusion 360 and I'm wondering about the "Mesh Refinement" setting when I'm exporting a file for printing through Cura on a UM3. 

    Under the "Save as Mesh" command, I select STL and Millimeters and then there's several "Refinement" settings. There's the basic HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW setting, plus a CUSTOM setting which lets you adjust 4 different "Refinement Options".


    Does anyone have any understanding and or suggestions as to how these settings affect Cura and the finished 3D print?


    Thanks for your help.

    Screen Shot 2021-09-19 at 6.36.27 PM.png

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  2. This just started after I updated my UM3 with the latest Firmware Ver.

    In Cura, the Monitor Tab does not update when a job is running or when it finishes.  It shows 9% complete all the time even when the job finishes.  When I start a new job it updates to show the new part but still shows 9% complete.

    I'm running Cura Ver.4.10 on a Mac running  OS Ver. 11.5.2 and communicating to my UM3 via WiFi.


    Not that big of a deal.  I can look at the status on the web page, but it's kinda odd.

    Am I doing something wrong?

  3. I have a UM3.  It all started with a big print fail,  The Material backed upped into the head and in the process of trying to clean it up, I damaged the head.  Fortunately, I had a spare AA 0.4 head.  I installed the new head, loaded PLA and, as expected, it wanted to calibrate XY.  When it printed the test pattern the Y outline looked OK but then it started printing dots.  Kind of like the head wasn't getting fed enough material.  I have unloaded / loaded material  and tried to calibrate numerous times and it does the exact same thing.  I tried cleaning the head and the feeder and still get the same result. Immediately after loading, it starts out OK but, within a few minutes, it starts laying down dots.  

    Another symptom I've found is that when loading material, it starts out coming through the head good but if I don't hit "Confirm" and let it run, the material will start coming out slower and slower. Eventually, the feeder puts a notch in the material and won't feed anymore.  I tried increasing the pressure on the feeder spring but that didn't seem to do anything. I have tried 2 different heads with the same results.  I have watched the temperature graph and the head appears to be holding the correct temperature.

    I've run out of things to try.


    Thanks for being patient enough to read all this,  If you have any ideas...



  4. I am having trouble connecting my UM3 to my WiFi.  I go to Systems>Network>Run WiFi Setup and it creates a WiFi Network.  I connect to the created network on my phone or computer and click "Start WiFi Setup". I name the printer "UM3-5" ,  then select the my local WiFi network and enter the WiFi password. The UM3 reports "Connected". WiFi is selected on the Network Menu.

    Now I go to Cura and try to Add the Printer. Today it can't seem to find the UM3 when I click refresh.  Other days it works?  Even when it's working, it seems that when I leave it off for a few days I must go through this hit or miss process of resetting up WiFi.

    What am I doing wrong?

  5. Thank you so much!  That was a great help.  I went so far as to remove the heated bed and no brown wires there.  Also looked at the PCB.  I didn't take the board out to look at the back side but I don't see any toasted components, PCB, or brown wires there either.  I wiggled all the connections and cleaned every thing (it needed it.) After re-leveling the build plate, I tried printing again and it worked this time. (Yea!) I don't know what's going on but I guess I'll just keep an eye on it unless you have another idea I should check.


    Again, thanks so much for your help!

  6. I ran Maintenance>Diagnostics>Bed Level Sensor 5 times and each time it says "Sensor Performance is good".

    I then turned all 3 screws and raised the bed slightly and did a manual bed leveling. I then ran the active level process 3 times with success.  Now, back to printing and we will see what happens.


    Thanks for your help.

  7. I frequently get an Auto Leveling failure at the start of the print.  I find I can fix it by taking an x-acto knife and scraping a little blob of material off the nozzle tip.  I'm wondering if anyone / everyone else deals with this minor but annoying issue?  It seems that the material is not retracted quite enough and then a little oozes out on to the tip and then hardens.  It makes sense that the auto level would fail with that blob on the tip.


    Thanks for your insight.

  8. I'm running Cura 4.8 on a Mac with Big Sur Ver 11.0.1.  When I first start Cura, all is well. (Works as expected) Typically, the problem appears after I print a part and then load a new part to be printed.  I cannot select any parts.  If I close Cura and restart, I'm back to normal for a while.  It happens as described but it has happened at other times too.  Cura is not locked up because I can right click and the menu drops down.


    This is annoying! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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