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Posts posted by UbuntuBirdy

  1. Are your cooling fans working from the first layer on? I had similar issues like you described them. I changed the settings for the cooling fans: they start at a print height of 1.5mm and only with a few rpm. The rpm will increase with every layer starting at 1.5mm print height.

  2. Hatte vor n paar Wochen das selbe Problem und die Ursache war (nach schier endlosen Versuchen mit den Einstellungen in Cura) ne verstopfte Düse. Warum die Probleme erst weiter oben im Print auftauchen habe ich allerdings nie herausgefunden...

  3. 19 minutes ago, Dim3nsioneer said:


    Let's not underestimate the number of businesses which bought an Ultimaker printer at an early stage (Ultimaker 2) and used (and still use) it for professional purposes.

    I guess you refer mainly to makers. Yes, it's pretty obvious that Ultimaker does not primarily target makers with the S5 Pro Bundle. But a maker still can buy an Ultimaker 2+ which is a great machine and strong workhorse and can also be "upgraded" with e.g. Octoprint to a network printer (including a camera).

    All true and I know it is important to serve especially these clients with more up-to-date-products. But this is not what I'm talking about. Since UM2+ there was no new product for makers and there is still no product for beginners! So what I think a new product could look like is something between UMO and UM2+ or even below UMO. Or a cheaper, not that accurate but bigger printer. Or perhaps something to recycle brims, supports and fails: a shredder and a extruder for making your own filament... Or a modular upgrade for the UM2+ with e.g. a new mainboard (and firmware) and then options to add an filament sensor or (like you mentioned with Octoprint) a network connection or a camera or newer steppers or different hotends or or or...

    But this is only my opinion and I do absolutely not know what is the marketing strategy of UM. I do not want to say they do something wrong, I wanna only say it "could be" a wrong decision.


    Whatever the future brings, I'm totally happy with my UM2+ and I love the UM community and that's why I'll never regret buying a UM!

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  4. hmmm... seems UM turns more and more to the business clients and away from the people that made UM the brand it is today... Of course UM tries to make as much money as possible as any other business (I would try the same in their position). But I'm not sure if it is a good decision to ignore the smaller clients that can not afford an UM3 or higher...

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