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Everything posted by 3dDruckIng

  1. Because I have to pay for it I will contact my reseller, but it seems to be a known issue, so Ultimaker should fix the problem for everyone (with a firmware update?).
  2. Wow thank you gr5 for that detailed answer, the "why" is solved, I checked my power brick "GST220A24-R78".... But I am a bit disappointed from Ultimaker when they really changed to a less powerfull power brick with a clear disadvantage, because the specs say clearly: Nozzle temperature 180 °C to 260 °C Build plate 50 °C to 100 °C heated glass build plate https://ultimaker.com/en/products/ultimaker-2-plus/specifications So it should be possible to print 260°C Nozzle temperature and 50°C build plate? Ultimaker? So my options are: Insist that my UM2+ should be able to print with my configuration: Ultimaker should change theirs specs or should solve the problem with a firmware update? Get the tinker firmware Try a higher bet temperature? But I need it in the range of 40-50°C.... Buy a new 24V power supply >250: not an option for me because I use my UM2+ in the advertised range So I will start with #1: Ultimaker Team? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, I started testing the new PA from colorfabb: A minimum hot-end temperature of 260C is recommended and a heated bed at 40C / 50C is advised But my UM2+ restarts (black screen, stops extruding, restarts and shows the default menu) during the print of the second layer: slicer S3D; hot-end temperature 260°C; bed 50°C What I tested: Different parts: same problem Different slicer: same problem with cura (restarts after approx. 4th layer) Control of the hot-end temperature : The restarts happen with a hot-end temperatur of 259-260 °C Reducing the bed temperature: 50/40/30 °C same problem The solution: Disable the heated bed or T<20°C and the prints are fine But what I don't understand, I don't have any problems printing nGen (hot-end 227°C, bed 80°C) The hot-end should be fine: can print 260°C The bed should be fine: can print nGen with 80°C bed The power supply should be fine ? Printing with a 80°C bed should consume more power than printing 260°C? Is it the mainboard? The UM2+ should be able to print 260°C with a heated bed? I need the heated bed for better adhesion and avoiding wrapping. Thanks for your help!
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