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    Ultimaker S5
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  1. I have an S5 w/Material Station and Air Manager and am having the same problems. Cura and firmware are up to date. It takes various and seemingly different combinations of Digital Factory every time - Digital Factory resets, system resets, reboots, printer remove and printer add sequences to run a print or several prints before it happens again. The S5 prints beautifully and the material station is a great add on but I am spending more and more time dealing with connection issues. I sent support a detailed manually written log of one long session and they said it could be the wifi board. Based on the forum this seems to be a common problem. Is there a known issue with some or all of the wifi boards? Can I replace the wifi board or does the whole printer have to go out for service?
  2. Hello Material Station Pros, Is there a simple step by step guide or video for using and programing non-compatible "generic" filaments such as ColorFabb on the Material Station? Thanks!
  3. I'm not familiar with Revit (I use Archicad and several other programs). Try this link I generally have to play around with several saves/export settings and then Cura scalings before getting it right. Eventually I will make an instruction sheet for my own set up so I suggest you write down what you do. In any case you will likely need the "real scale", which is simply the actual scale (1:20, 1:50, 1:500, etc . . .) that you see in metric but for the imperial measuring system. So 1/16" = 1'-0" equals a real scale of 1:192 because there are 16 1/16" in an inch and 12 inches in a foot (16x12=192). When you convert this to a percentage 1/192 to get .52083%. Depending how you imported into Cura that percentage scale will likely be the correct one. I hope this helps, - it is not an intuitive process, so keep trying and you'll get it.
  4. Hi Oystervjh, It was a while back so I don't remember exactly. I'm pretty sure it imported to scale, so it was just a question of figuring out a conversion multiplier/divider when importing or after importing. John
  5. Hi SandervG, Are LUVOCOM® 3F PET CF 9780 BK and DSM Novamid® ID1030 CF10 sold by anyone in the US? I can only find them coming from Europe (high shipping costs, long wait). Thanks, John
  6. Hi shurik, I downloaded a 3d file from cadmapper.com setting a height of 20m.
  7. Agreed. I will be working on a variety of scales and expect to experiment quite a bit. Fortunately the main model I will be building is at 1/16” = 1’-0” (1:192) which prints well (still have to figure out detail level a bit). Picture attached. Also a city site model from simple 3d data pulled from the web. The land mass in that scaled so thin it created an interesting mesh instead of solid surface - the accidental result came out really nice!
  8. Thanks geert_2 and Framar, Flat printing is an option I expect to explore as I do more models, especially for larger scale models with more detail, but for now I am trying to use out of the box capabilities for printing buildings with little or no finish work/assembly. I will try the suggested settings adjustments and let you know how they work.
  9. Hi UM experts, I have a UM5 and am trying to get the best quality prints for architectural models. The larger scale models, 1/16" = 1'-0" print fine, but the smaller scale, ~1" = 50' does not. A photo is attached. Left print is at .1mm height and the right is at .2mm using pla. Are there particular setting I can adjust to stop the blobs on the piers between windows? Is the detail level/size of the piers to small and thin to get a good print? Thanks, John
  10. Thanks, will do.
  11. Hi All, I have a new S5 and am using Cura on my MacPro. When using non UM filament and sending a print from the Mac via wifi as opposed to a memory stick) to S5 I get an error message in the queued job in Cura saying "requires configuration change" to the filament I have assigned in Cura. The S5 screen then has a "change configuration" message listing the assigned material, but when I press "OK" nothing happens and the only way to print is to "Override" the error in Cura. How do I fix this? Also, in general how does the S5 handle non UM filaments, do they become part of an on board library of materials on the S5 with the names I have assigned? Are they all just listed as "generic" but take the formatting included with the print file? Thanks John
  12. That did it, thank you!
  13. Thanks Smithy. I just tried, but the shaded area did not change and I get the same error messages. I'm on a MAC also, not sure if that matters.
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