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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext

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  1. Ali Express cartridge for UM2.5 https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806157386321.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.2b423ad0Ua55tV&algo_pvid=29e37112-6e28-45e1-9066-19a0f9ef2659&algo_exp_id=29e37112-6e28-45e1-9066-19a0f9ef2659-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!41.31!41.31!!!297.00!297.00!%402101d69b17080397886677794e1d2a!12000036830132076!sea!US!888957344!&curPageLogUid=mrskkqICLe0q&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A#nav-review
  2. look at page 3 of this topic, there is the original description for the image and creator.
  3. Yes if you have to remap them at the PCB connector - it is not the same as the UM3 connector.
  4. they come in for using 2.85mm filament, the heat break and nozzles for 1.75mm you can find on AliExpress
  5. Those are for the original UM3 - compare the PCB boards with the UM2.5 to see the differences
  6. Yes I have purchased the PCBs for the toolhead and nozzles and no they are not compatible with UM3 PCBs. At the back of the nozzle and toolhead are 4 contact points instead of 5 and no circuits for LED or sensors- you can use the UM3 parts but replace the PCBs and adapt if you want to use 1.75 mm filament.
  7. https://www.bhiner.com/Search?skey=UM2.5 25100 https://www.bhiner.com/taobao-agent/646573803386
  8. Check Bhiner for ultimaker2.5 -is hard to know what is included. Other parts for UM3 toolhead are available in the same site.
  9. Files to 3D print the toolhead are in GitHub - one piece is best in metal or high heat resistant material
  10. I have not tested the bed leveling with it, I understand that additional hardware is needed.
  11. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3341261
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