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Posts posted by Carbon

  1. PVA.......well.....


    Cut a long story short, we've stopped using it. We now use "breakaway" with AA0.4.



    The last straw was when the PVA broken and got stuck in the feed channels underneath the machine (just after the material bay loading points). The amount of times the material has broken and jammed inside the bowden tubes is unreal, as it feeds you can hear the cracking sounds of the material breaking.


    Storage has always been within a sealed bag along with a bag of "Silica Gel", prior to using, we warm the material inside the machine, by laying it onto the print bed for about 1 hour @ 60°C.. 


    It just given us a lot of problems and wastes a lot of time, for very little benefit.


    What we have noticed using "breakaway" is that the parts are a little more accurate......



  2. First thing I would try. is to cut the material and remove it from the "Bowden" tubing.


    Cut the material at the material bay inserting point, then I would un-clip the tube from the extruder end and remove the material from the tubes.


    I would then, put another material of the same type into a different material station bay, load it and make sure the printer identifies it as the correct material (same as data sent by "CURA").


    Then wait a few minutes to see if the print starts again (give in 10 mins min).


    If the printer doesn't resume, it may need power down and restarting.


    I suspect the material has got "stuck" somehow and the printer thinks it's "out of material".

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  3. 38 minutes ago, TAVARES said:

    But if there was a missing tooth or slips it would happen with both Extruders. 


    Or, did I miss something?



    No, as the lift switch only lifts and drops the RHS extruder (when looking at the front of the printer).


    If the belt has slipped a tooth on ONE gear only, then this will cause the extruders to move "diagonally" through one axis (difficult to explain)....depending on how much and which gear has slipped.

  4. We've just purchased this:


    RS PRO 2.85mm Black CARBON-P 3D Printer Filament


    mainly for it's anti-static properties. Along with the CC Red 0.6mm Print Core.


    Couple of questions:


    1) We plan to begin printing shortly, so just wanted to ask the question, Will this run on a "Generic" material profile or will I have to configure our own ? If "our own", can any one recommend settings?


    2) If we were to purchase the 1.75mm Black Carbon P, will the profile be different to that of the 2.85mm ?


    3) To run the 1.75mm material this would have to bypass the material station and feed the the back of the machine (we've managed to purchase a 1Kg roll, so we are having to re-coil it onto an "original spool" removing the NFC tag) would the Machine Feeding system cope with this smaller Ø ?







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