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Everything posted by Cbldwn

  1. Yes I’m also having issues with this. I’m running a Duet2WIFI with 4 extruder switching for multi-color and with cura calling a tool before the start g-code means that the hotend hasn’t had any temperatures set yet as there in the start code and as such it will not load any tools. I’m forced to manually heat up my hotend before starting a part which allows filament to drip while probing the bed or editing the gcode which is a annoying when your forget. Would be nice to get this fixed so that we can enter the variable for the first extruder or the adhesion extruder so that it works like the other temperature setting where cura will leave them out if you include them in your start code.
  2. Is there perhaps a way to disable it and then hide it in the GUI?
  3. Yes I know post processing script is saved. For a single color it would work fine for. I’m running 4 colors but I don’t use all 4 in every print. If I stay witch changing T0 to T1 using post processing and I have more then 1 tool I will end up with duplicates. Therefor I would have to start with t3 changed to t4 and work my way down. Not sure how it will react if I have t4 disabled for a print. Regardless my printer isn’t the only printer out there that doesn’t use T0 for an extruder as some use them for a second z-axis. There should be a place in the program that designates what the extruder output starts with. I want to know where this is so I can change it instead of using work arounds. I’ve used post scripts before and have found them to sometime cause more problems then they solve.
  4. I already changed the extruder train and was able to get the extruder 0 removed from cura, all I need now is to change the starting output tool number from 0 to 1 but haven’t been able to find where that would be located yet.
  5. The problem with using a post script is that I would most likely have to configure it with every print and start with the highest numbered extruder and work to the lowest or It would end up mixing up tools. It bring more potential for problems. I want to fix it right by editing the cura. I’ve already made my own printer setting with all my customizations. I also would like to figure out how to add a check box to the printer settings page for enabling/disabling firmware retract. For now I’ve just installed the printer setting pluggin so I can atleast have it in the settings menu.
  6. The only problem with that is, I have extruder 1 displayed as disabled then. I have want to permanently change it so Ext1 outputs T1, Ext 2 outputs T2 and so on. The way a logical person would count, not how a computer counts. I’m tired of mixing up which color I have in witch Tool because of the number shift. I tried changing the extruder train so it started at 1 instead of 0 but it didn’t have the effect I was hoping for.
  7. I’ve removed T0 from my printer and am trying to figure out how I can change cura to output T1 by default instead of T0. I have my printer setup for multi-color (4extruder) so having to modify with a post script or manually editing isn’t very convient. If anyone could point me into the right direction on what I need to modify, I’m comfortable modifying the code if I have an idea where to look. thanks in advance!
  8. I’ve added a second extruder and am using a single hotend and with a y-splitter in the bowden tube for color changes. Now I want Cura to call the first tool start g-code and then execute the purge command I have in the start g-code so I’ve added {machine_extruder_start_code} in the machine start g-code which executed the extruder start g-code as intended. The problem I’m having is that Cura is also running it again after the machine start code so it’s trying to advance my extruder that has just been primed 115mm essentially grinding the filament. I’ve tried running it without my custom purge line and upping the number of skirt lines but I end up with bits of filament coming off the nozzle which causes the skirt to stick to the nozzle ruining my first layer. I really don’t want to have to manually remove it on every part, there’s gotta be something I’m missing.
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